Principal's Report

I am hoping that as you read this short newsletter for what was a whirlwind of a short term you are taking time to relax across Melbourne with your families. I would like to congratulate all our students who have achieved excellent academic results this term; in particularly our Year 10 students who have successfully completed VCE Unit 1. I am also proud to announce that 31 of our students have been invited by the Department of Education and Training to participate in the High Ability Program for Term 3. Well done to those students! They will be receiving extension tasks in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy. Term 3 will also see many of our sporting teams competing in the Regional finals. After two years of Covid impacting sport it is exciting to see the students compete at this level.
Student Collection Policy
I ask you to take the time to read the College's Student Collection Policy. There has been a growing trend of families signing out students across all year levels well before the end of the day. This policy acknowledges that there are times where students need to see dentists and medical specialists. However, a growing problem is parents who are just picking students up early to avoid traffic or go shopping. Please note below that if students needed to be collected early the following must be provided:
Students should only be collected if absolutely necessary and documentation is provided from the parent regarding the reason for the absence. Reasons for collecting a student early include:
o Illness
o Medical Appointment
o Religious Celebration
o Family emergency
This policy also refers to late arrivals. Many students are arriving late by car. High school students must be at school on time. This is what they need to do to go to work in the future. Please support our drive to educate all families on the importance of being at school on time 8.45 am ready to learn. For the last two years students were not at school - in order for them to make up for the learning they have lost they need to attend regularly and on time.
Students should arrive at school on time each morning, if they are late they must have a note from their parents outlining the reason why they are late.
Documentation can include a written signed note, compass email from parent email account.
Annual report
Each year the College produces a quality assured annual report. This is now complete and available on our website for our school and wider community to read.
Finally, please also note the information in this newsletter on the new Child Safe Standards. As a College we have updated our policies and will continue to share information about the standards with families across the rest of the school year.
Keep enjoying those holidays and stay well!
Joanne Camozzato
College Prinicpal