Be Wise. Think Carefully. Act Kindly.

Tayler Roberts

Year 10 Coordinator


As an important part of our HPE and Home Group curriculum, the college recently hosted a Be Wise Educational Presentation attended by Year 10 students.  


Our students were quietly attentive as they listed to Ben O'Toole tell them about Pat Cronin, a much-loved  young man with a bright future ahead of him - who sadly became the victim of a coward punch. Pat's family established the Pat Cronin Foundation in order to launch education for young people and a campaign, to End the Coward Punch.


Ben O'Toole
Ben O'Toole

Presenter Ben O'Toole is himself a survivor of a coward punch, and lucky to have escaped lifelong disability as a result of this cowardly attack. Ben shared his personal experience, his scars and his suffering with our students fielding questions from students about his .  



This is Ben's story.


The aim of the presentation was to encourage students to reflect on attitudes and behaviours around anger and aggression. Students learned about the impact of violence and Coward Punches, as well as how they can be part of the solution to End the Coward Punch. Students were encouraged to discuss the issue, to share their experiences, and most importantly to develop their own action plan to ‘Be Wise’, and honour Pat's legacy.


Sam C
Sam C

Sam Cannavo

Year 10

The Pat Cronin Foundation is about a 19-year-old boy named Pat who, after playing his first senior match of football with his elder brother Lucas, went out for a few drinks with his friends. That night, Pat was trying to help his friend on the floor during a brawl when he unexpectedly took a punch to the back of the head. Pat's condition deteriorated shortly after leaving the bar and returning with his friends to his house in Eltham. He was transported to the hospital that night, before passing away the following day from internal bleeding on the brain. I appreciated Ben's presentation because he also talked to us about his experience as a survivor of a coward punch attack and how he hopes to prevent other young people from having a similar outcome by making them aware of what happened to Pat and the terrible effects that his passing has had on a community. The Pat Cronin Foundation taught me that there is never a good excuse to use violence or get into fights. Although it may seem thrilling and entertaining in the moment, actions like a coward punch attack can leave you with serious, life-altering injuries that will affect both your physical and mental health. 


Harrison Lalor

Year 10

I found the Pat Cronin Foundation presentation very informative and very important to listen too. I never knew how deadly a punch could be until I heard stories about how a punch to the head could kill, or leave the victim unable to do things like walk, talk or move. 

I also learned many important points such as keeping yourself safe before helping others, as you could put yourself in danger. This is what happened to Pat. Helping his friend, he was then punched from behind, later dying in hospital. This not only affected his family and friends, but the person who punched him who got 8 years in prison. 

The main takeaway from the presentation was that you should think about your actions, as what could happen in the moment could leave horrible consequences. 

Pat Cronin Foundation


The foundation offers free presentations to schools, as well providing information and resources at no cost.

You can watch Pat's Story HERE.



In support of the foundation, staff and students can purchase an End the Coward Punch wristband via the college. If interested, please speak to Mr Roberts or another staff member.

The foundation is reliant on community support in order to provide free services.

If you would like to make a donation to the foundation, please click HERE.