Message from the Principal

Karen Harris
Premier's VCE Awards
It was a joy to attend the Premier’s Awards recently to witness four of our students received honours for their exemplary performances in 2021 VCE studies.
Read the article in this issue that highlights their exceptional achievements.
Whole-School Production
The school production of The Wedding Singer was a huge success. The production team and I have received many emails of congratulations and most of these touch on the great learning and social experience students enjoyed by being involved.
Read the article in this issue that includes some fabulous photos and comments.
Junior Production - 2 shows - Friday November 18.We are pleased to announce that the 2022 Junior Production will be the much-loved favourite, Matilda the Musical Jnr.
This is a fabulous and uplifting show, and we will have a lot of fun bringing the joy to the stage. It is especially exciting to be producing a show that has such a strong connection with Australian performing arts, given that the music was written by the uber-talented Tim Minchin.
Junior Production will stage 2 shows on Friday November 18. Tickets will be available via TryBooking, so watch Compass where we will advertise!
Performing Arts Gala
The Performing Arts Learning Area will stage the annual Performing Arts Gala on Thursday, September 1, in the school theatre.
While entry to this event is free, audience must reserve a ticket for this event and tickets are limited. Reserve your ticket HERE.
The Gala will showcase and celebrate the talents and achievements of students pursuing performing arts studies at Brunswick Secondary College. Chookas to all!
Year 7 2023
Our offers for Year 7 2023 have been confirmed via the primary schools. In 2023, we will again have an intake of eight classes.
SEAL registrations are now open to all the prospective Year 7 students who have had their enrolment confirmed. This is a mandated change for 2023; SEAL registration is only offered after enrolment confirmation.
From this point we will follow our usual selection process and interested students will sit a test administered by Edutest on 20 August.
School Review
Our School Reviewer has been appointed and we look forward to presenting a timeline for our review process. As per previous reviews, we have commenced consultation with the school community (students, staff and families), seeking feedback around shared experiences.
Two 'Challenge' partners have agreed to participate in this review: Linda Brown (Principal, Mentone Girls Secondary College) & Kerrie Dowsley (Principal, St Albans Secondary College). Our Challenge partners provide objective feedback and assessment around school benchmarks, achievements and aspirations, and as both Kerrie and Linda have significant experience in education we look forward to their support, input and advice.
Parents and Carers will be welcome to participate in a School Review Forum which will be held Wednesday September 7 2022. Attendees will be asked to provide their feedback and experience - information that will be used to inform our review as well as the next School Strategic Plan. Similarly, Student Forums will be staged in the near future so that our most important stakeholders can be part of the School Review process. These will be advertised via Compass, and we encourage as many parents, carers and students as possible to be involved in these events.
Wonder Recycling Awards
The response to the BSC Wonder Recycling Rewards campaign has been fantastic, and we thank the many families who have been so conscientious in their support for the school.
The program is still running - so keep those soft plastic bags coming in, and help the school earn points in the program while simultaneously helping the environment!