Technology News

Food Technology

October has been a busy month with all year levels as students have produced their own designed and planned products.

Year 7 – Some forms completed their “Designer Stuffed Potato” whilst other forms made chocolate chip cookies. Students have gained greater confidence in their skills and we encourage them to cook at home.


Year 8 – Students produced their own designed Pizzas and Muffins with great success.

Year 8 Master Chef – We had a number of master classes; making Vegetable Bliss Bombs with a focus of increasing our vegetable intake, popping and flavouring Popcorn, creating Dips and Pita Crisps. The classes proved to be more of a challenge than realized.

Year 9

Multi – Cultural Munching have travelled through Europe and made favourites like Lasagna and the Black Forest Roulade. The Roulade tested many skills and students displayed persistence and excellence.

The Body Shop students focused on healthy recipes. They compared traditional recipes to healthier ones. They made Chicken and Vegetable Sausage Rolls and Cauliflower Pizzas.

Cauliflower Pizza
Cauliflower Pizza

Year 10 designed their own meal to meet a dietary need such as low fat or gluten free.


Year 11 students finished Unit 2 by looking at how to adapt recipes to meet varying lifecycle and dietary requirements. Some production highlights were Gluten Free Mud Cakes and the Breakfast Bowl SAC.

We gave a farewell to the Year 12 students who had a very busy October with SACs and Exam revision.

We wish them all the best with the exams and their endeavors in the future.


Ms Christina Kloas
Ms Maree McCormack
Ms Jill Bailes
Ms Christina Kloas
Ms Maree McCormack
Ms Jill Bailes

The Food Technology  Team