Wellbeing News

Hobsons Bay Libraries are a great resource for families to access free programs and information. Below is a program being offered to primary school aged children during the school term. 

The After School Explorers are free sessions that do not require any bookings. It is aimed at students between 5-12 years of age and includes a range of activities from arts and crafts to construction, storytelling and even coding. The times and locations are offered below: 

  • All sessions 3:45pm-4:45pm
  • Monday - Altona North Community Library 
  • Wednesday - Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre 
  • Thursday - Altona Library 

Please CLICK HERE  to find out more information. 


There are also lots of links and on the Hobsons Bay library page that allow you to browse what else is being offered to children. Please have a look at the link below to see if there is anything that might be valuable to explore with your family. 



Wonder of Living Night - Open Doors

Thank you to our 5 /6  families that attended the wonder of living night. It was great to see families having open and supportive conversations with their child about growing up and the changes that they will experience as part of this journey. We hope this experience encourages families to continue to have these conversations with their children. If you missed any leaflets from the session, please see your child's classroom teacher for a copy. 


Kathy Blythe - Student Wellbeing Leader




Andrea Wilberger - Learning Diversity Leader


Student Leader News

The SMDP Leadership team proudly presents to our school, Green Week! 


As Social Justice & Sustainability leaders, we are both passionate about our environment and we want to help our school to become a better environmentally friendly school!


In order to do this, we have designed new solutions like, new BINS! Another idea (with help of the school captains and school leaders) has been to introduce GREEN week! Green week is an event that will take place during week 5! 


At the end of each day that week, we will introduce new GREEN challenges! These WILL make our school environmentally friendly and reduce our global footprint starting with small actions that can soon become BIG


GREEN week will include challenges like rubbish clean ups! We can’t wait to share more information with you soon! 



Social Justice & Sustainability Leaders