Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients

Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.

  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Reflection
  • Motivation
  • Resilience

On Monday whole school the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.


We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.


Week 2



for being a motivated learner who has begun Term 3 by making great choices for her learning! Harnoor has been avoiding distractions in class to focus on learning tasks, a great example of doing her best and a little bit more! Congratulations Harnoor! 



For being a motivated learner who has returned to term 3 with a growth mindset. Bentley is showing leadership by following directions promptly and always trying a little bit harder to extend his learning.  Well done Bentley.



For being a collaborative team member who has positively taken on different roles while working in groups. Ivy is a responsible leader who always works respectfully with peers and is an excellent role model for others. 



For being a collaborative learner who helps and supports those around them. Tyler understands the importance of listening to others while also sharing their own ideas during collaborative learning. Well done



For being a reflective learner when thinking and solving open- ended addition problems during Mathematics. Harsha has worked very hard this week to explain his thinking and reflect on multiple ways to solve challenging problems. Keep up the great job Harsha!



For being a motivated learner who is investing more time and effort into her learning by taking it further and researching areas of interest at home. 



For being a motivated learner during mathematics who has worked hard at attempting all new learning challenges. You have used available resources and persisted through new learning concepts. Great job Mitchell! 



For being a resilient learner who has shown courage in maths in term 3. Mehr displays a growth mindset and never gives up, even when maths is tricky to begin with!



For being a motivated learner who has returned from holidays with a positive attitude, taking on new challenges and asking for help. Keep up the great work Tahlia!



​​For being a resilient learner in Writing this week. During our poetry unit you were challenged, but you were determined to be successful and asked for feedback to improve your poem. You continued to make alterations after reflecting on feedback received and didn't give up! Keep up this reflective and resilient attitude to learning Anika.



For being a motivated and collaborative  learner who has enthusiastically taken on the opportunity to learn with others by focusing, listening and contributing to team projects. Rosie, you have shown that you are able to work alongside others to ensure everyone has their voice heard and that team goals are met. Thank you for being a welcoming and friendly classmate to everyone in 5/6S. What a fantastic start to Term 3.

Week 3



For being an extremely motivated learner who has been trying his best and a little bit more, especially in writing! Jugaadh has been creating detailed and creative drawings to show his ideas! Congratulations Jugaadh! 



For being a resilient learner who has bounced back from challenging situations to focus on the learning tasks.  In writing Saatvik is using upper and lowercase letters, fullstops and finger spaces to communicate his unique sense of humour and ideas.  Well done, Saatvik.



For always being a fantastic collaborative class member. Neville is always ready to help those in need. He openly welcomes people to his group and greets them with a great big smile to make them feel valued. He listens attentively to others and encourages them when they need it most. We are lucky to have you in our 1/ 2 community Neville.



For being a motivated learner who has started Term 3 ready to take on learning tasks even when they are challenging. She never gives up! Kashvi always tries her best and a little bit more. Thank-you for being a positive member of our class and school community. 



For being a motivated learner who has shown amazing growth in his Writing since the beginning of the year. Ayaan has shown excellent improvements in his spelling as well as deepening his ideas during writing time. Well done Ayaan!



For being an enthusiastic class member who always contributes to class discussions, offers to share his learning and asks deep questions to strengthen his learning. Great work Palash!



For being a curious learner who is inquisitive and asks questions to deepen her learning. Nainika has a positive attitude to her learning and works hard to complete tasks to a high standard. 



For being a collaborative learner in Maths this week. You listened to your peers, shared your ideas and respectfully challenged ideas when needed to ensure your group completed the task successfully. You always ensure that your peers are included in groups and are supportive of everyone in our class during tasks. Fantastic work Daksh!



For being a resilient and collaborative learner who is respectful, inclusive and shows a 'can-do' attitude. Horace, you have started Term 3 with such a positive and eager attitude to learning, and you have shown that you are able to be a great role model for the rest of the year ⅚ cohort. Keep up the fantastic effort, Horace!