From the Principal 

Week 2 Term 3 2022

Dear Parents and Carers


School Performance

As previously mentioned our school performance will take place on the last Thursday of Term 3. Make sure the date is in your diary. Due to circumstances outside of our control this is the first performance in 3 years.  Auditions for major roles are happening next week!!!  The excitement is building as we get closer to our big Performance and I know our students are looking forward to sharing their amazing talent with you!


Thank you to the many parents who assisted with creating props at the first  "workshop" on Tuesday. Your support is greatly appreciated. There is another workshop in week 7.


Hall -PA

This week a new PA system was installed in the hall.   This will allow for greater clarity at assemblies,  incursions and presentations.  The hall can also be hired for certain functions as it is now fully equipped with TV screen and PA system.


Confirmation Family Faith Evening

It was wonderful to see the Jarrow room full of  Confirmation  candidates and their parents on Tuesday evening. Thank you to Bernadette Reed, Arianna Chor, Ruby Harris and Catrina Morabito who lead the evening.  The discussions taking place during the evening were amazing and challenged both the candidates and parents in their thinking.

Confirmation this year will be celebrated during first week of Term 4. My favourite part of the evening was listening to  the parents and candidates discuss what gifts of the spirit they see in each other.



Surprise for the Preps

Yesterday a number square and caterpillar alphabet were installed outside the Prep area and doesn't it  look amazing!!!!! I know Mrs Jeffreys and the Preps will get great use out of it. If you get the opportunity please take a look.

Trivia Evening

A big thank you to the Parents Association who have organised the Trivia evening this Saturday. It will be a great evening!!!!  Thank you to all those who have sponsored or provided prizes for the evening.


Languages Workshop

Today, 50 teachers and principals from across Victoria visited St Bede' for professional learning  and to look at how our Language program (French) is conducted.  It was re affirming to hear how impressed they were with how the students converse in French. Thank you to Larissa and Sarah who helped lead the day of learning for those in attendance.  We really do have a wonderful learning community here at St Bede's.



Have a great week