Principal's Update

Paul Clohesy

Dear families,

Throughout the year we have had Joey Chatfield, a local Aboriginal artist, working with our staff and students on the design of a mural at the entrance to the Resource Centre. Joey’s plan is to have every student and staff member contribute to the mural, which depicts some of Colac’s significant land and water features and community.

We hope to have the mural completed by the end of the year, so please encourage your children to make sure they find the time to contribute to the artwork. Joey is also the artist who designed the indigenous jumpers for the Birregurra and Apollo Bay Football teams last weekend.

Child Safety

During our staff meeting this week our Deputy Principal Rachel McGennisken delivered a presentation to staff on the new Child Safe Code of Conduct.

This document has been prepared in line with the new child safe standards that came into effect at the beginning of July.

The Code of Conduct emphasises the need for students and families to have a voice in ensuring Trinity College remains a place where all students feel safe and accepted.

An invite will be sent out in the coming weeks to provide an opportunity for our families to provide their input. Similar opportunities will be provided to groups of students throughout this term.

Student Learning Conversations

Our next round of Student Learning Conversations take place on Wednesday, September 7. This date is also when the General Assessment Task (GAT) is taking place for senior students.

In the past the GAT was a three-hour task. It now involves two separate tasks and will require all students in Year 12 as well as Year 11 students studying a Year 12 subject to be at school for the entire day.

As a result, and in response to a survey sent out to families last week, along with continuing high COVID-19 numbers, this event will once again take place remotely.

This will also allow our senior students to travel home and take part in the conversations with their teachers and parents/carers. Families of students sitting the GAT will be given priority to book appointments later in the day and into the evening.

Senior Ball

The highlight since our last newsletter was definitely the Senior Ball, which took place on Friday, July 22. No doubt many of you have already seen lots of photos and videos from the night on our social media platforms and these showed how successful the event was.

Our Year 11 and 12 co-ordinators, Jade Elborough and Angela McGlynn, along with their Ball Committee did a fantastic job decorating COPACC and the students looked fantastic in their formal attire.

The formal dances were performed perfectly and everyone enjoyed a fantastic night.