VTAC stands for Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre and is the administrative body which processes most applications for universities in Victoria. 


VTAC Guide: Researching Tertiary Education 

VTAC Guide: How to Apply – courses, SEAS and scholarships 

NEW: VTAC: ATAR and Scaling 2023 

VTAC Year 10 Guide  

VTAC Year 11 Guide 

VTAC Year 12 Guide 

August 16:00pmApplying for courses in 2023 Register 
August 26:00pmUnderstanding special consideration (SEAS) and scholarships Register 
August 34:00pmApplying for courses in 2023 Register 
August 44:00pmUnderstanding special consideration (SEAS) and scholarships Register 
August 85:00pmApplying for courses in 2023 Register 
August 95:00pmUnderstanding special consideration (SEAS) and scholarshipsRegister 
August 103:30pmIn conjunction with the CEAV – Guide to applying for tertiary study in Victoria Register 
August 106:00pmApplying for courses in 2023 Register 
August 116:00pmUnderstanding special consideration (SEAS) and scholarshipsRegister

SATAC stands for South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre and is the administrative body which processes most applications for universities in South Australia. 

UAC stands for Universities Admissions Centre and is the administrative body which processes most applications for universities in New South Wales and the ACT. 

QTAC stands for Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre and is the administrative body which processes most applications for universities in Queensland.