


Zoe Nugent 

 Feast of the Assumption of Mary

Prayer for Monday 15th August

Father in heaven, all creation rightly gives you praise, for all life and all holiness come from you.

In the plan of your wisdom she who bore the Christ in her womb was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.

May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.




Good luck to our Diocesan athletes this Friday! 


As we head towards the end of Week Four, we have much to be grateful for, sometimes we all need a reminder.

A dear friend and my old REC (Religious Education Coordinator) from back in Victoria sent me this link on Sunday. A Grateful Day with Brother David Steindl-Rast.  A gentle reminder that it is the small things that can give us the greatest peace.


6 small things to be grateful for at St Mary of the Angels:

  1. Our Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN results.
  2. Year 6 Religious Education Test results: 5 credits, 5 distinctions and 1 high distinction and an average score of 21.5, compared to the diocesan average score of 21.2.
  3. Twilight Numeracy PD with Trish Mitchell, Casey Chard and Helen Rowsell.
  4. Staff who are absolutely committed to the forward growth all of the students at the school.
  5. Staff who are committed to their own ongoing professional learning.
  6. Penny M for trying to save all of the earthworms when it rained, sweeping them off the verandah and back to the grass.
Penny M Saving the Earth Worms
Penny M Saving the Earth Worms

Baptism of Archie and Chase Floyd

Congratulations to Chase and Archie Floyd who were baptised in our parish church on Sunday.  Such gorgeous photos sent through from Katrina!


Archie, Chase and Family
Archie, Chase and Family
Happy Boys!
Happy Boys!
Katrina and happy boys!
Katrina and happy boys!

Huggy Wuggy 

It has come to our attention through conversations with students about a trend involving a character called; Huggy Wuggy.

Huggy Wuggy is a character from a game called Poppy Playtime, the character has been added to different media platforms such as Tik tok and YouTube and this is where the negative connotations of the character can be seen the most.  

Please see the following: 



Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the game and Huggy Wuggy.  If you hear your children mention the game Poppy Playtime or the character, Huggy Wuggy, please talk to your children about it.


Social Media

During Tuesday's Principal briefing, other primary schools in our Diocese were discussing the complications with Social Media and their students.


'Snap Chat', Tik Tok, Instagram etc were all raised as platforms of concern.  The challenge of; a lack of parental knowledge of the platforms, possible lack of supervision or the capacity for students to hide their usage are some reasons that lead to students using social media in a negative way.

School TV has some good articles relating to social media and screen time HERE.

In addition, the eSafety website from the Australian Government provides some great resources for parents, there is also a section for 'kids' to explore HERE.


 I encourage all parents to have a clear understanding of their own child/ren's use of the platforms and as parents to understand that as a school community, with its six degrees of separation that it is the responsibility of all of us to support our children with their social media use.  If you see something that is not age appropriate  for one of our students, please contact the school or the parent/carer of that child.


After takes a village!



Each year Catholic Schools Office in Armidale ask parents, staff and students to complete satisfaction surveys for schools. This year survey will be open from 22nd to 31st August. The survey details will be emailed to you.  If you have a new email address please update it on Compass before the survey is emailed out.

Thank you in anticipation of your completion of this survey.


Blessings Zoe