May God the Father who made us bless us.
May God the Son send his healing among us.
May God the Holy Spirit move within us and give us eyes to see with,
ears to hear with, and hands that your work might be done.
May we walk and preach the word of God to all.
May the angel of peace watch over us and lead us at last by God’s grace to the Kingdom.
We pray ...
We pray for ..... the Confirmation candidates as they begin their preparation and for all those currently sick or unwell.
Next week some of our Year 4 students will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation and Kindergarten will have a visit from either Fr Chris or Fr Paul.
Our Family Masses for this term will be held on Sunday 7th August and Sunday 4th September at St Nicholas Church at 9.30a.m. The First Family Mass (7th August) will be hosted by Kindergarten, Year 6 and Confirmation Candidates. It would be lovely to see as many families as possible attending. These Masses are an opportunity for our School community to come together with our Parish Community to celebrate and to share a ‘cuppa ‘and morning tea afterwards.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred by Bishop Kennedy in our St Nicholas Parish on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September. Notes to parents and carers have been sent out to eligible candidates via COMPASS. Please note an Information Session for parents will be held Wednesday 20th July at 5.30pm at St Nicholas Church or alternatively Saturday 23rd July at 2.00pm at St Nicholas Church. At least one parent must attend one of the information session.
Real Talk provide seminars, reflection days and up-to-date resources to young people on topics relating to identity, eSafety, relationships, love, sex and marriage. They speak to over 30,000 students each year and present parent nights in schools nationally.
Real Talk has been a huge success in previous years and the team has been booked for the first week in August to present a variety of topics to our Year 4 and Year 6 students.
Please refer to the attached flyer for details on how parents can access an online parent session. The sessions are open to our whole school parent community however we strongly encourage parents of Year 4 and Year 6 students to view and be a part of one of the four parent online sessions listed in the flyer.
The sessions below may also interest parents with Secondary School students.