Students of the Week

Jeet Najwa Valerie Jesse Adeng
Jeet Najwa Valerie Jesse Adeng

7/8D - Jeet for his amazing decoding skills and sounding out vowel sounds. Well done!

7/8B -  Najwa for being engaged and completing some great learning in inquiry. Well done!

7/8C - Valerie for Independently completing her work and always putting her best foot forward. Well done!

7/8A  - Jesse for putting in effort and improving his high frequency words. Well done!

7/8E - Adeng  for being independent and always remembering to wear her helmet. Well done!


7/8C - Matthew - Independence - Being Resilient when faced with a tough situation. Well done!

7/8A - Eric For Responsibility—Eric has been flexible with changes and following instructions. Well done!

7/8B - Jonah - Safety - Staying in the classroom and following instructions after Jonah has finished regulating. Well done!

7/8D - Dejan- for being responsible during our travel training session to Highpoint, through following instructions and listening to staff members. Well done!

7/8E Eric - independence - showing more effort in verbalising his thinking, well done

5/6D - Joseph for joining in class discussions and concentrating on completing work quickly and carefully

3/4C - Erhan for making good transitions back to class safely and calmly

3/4B - Najwan for being a respectful and responsible class member

3/4A - Mason for being a great role model in the community by making safe, respectful and responsible choices

5/6C - Pearl for helping with classroom jobs, only being asked once or sometimes without being asked at all

1/2A - Ryan for always engaging with peers in conversation, for welcoming our new student into our class and being a great role model

Prep A – Vy for always being respectful to her teachers and classmates

1/2B - Ava for greeting her teachers and friends in the morning with great enthusiasm

Prep B – Samuel for following instructions, doing good work and being a role model

3/4D - Mason for being kind and playing safely with his peers

5/6A - Tu for following classroom routines and being respectful to his teacher


3/4A - Mason, for being a great role model in the community be making safe, respectful and responsible choices 

Prep A -  Sebatian for joining in during circle time and answering questions

Prep B -  Evan for using visuals and gestures to communicate with staff and students.

1/2A - Fynn for participating in all learning activities, and looking out for his friends

1/2B -  Shailene for initiating a conversation with her teachers and friends

SSC - Ethan for being respectful towards his teachers and friends.

9/10E - Nicholas for excellent independent work.

3/4D - Brayden- for showing respect to his peers and teachers

3/4B - Amy- for growing in confidence and making many new friends.

3/4A - Solaiman- for his enthusiasm towards his learning

9/10E - Ruth, SSC - Filip and SSD - Stephen - Displaying a high level of independence and self-management skills at school and in the community

3/4C -  Hayden for working hard to finish all his learning tasks with a positive attitude

7/8E - Thong - For Responsibility – Thong took care and always looked out for his partner on the excursion. Well done!

7/8C - Angelica - For learning - Tiana has been putting in effort and increased participation in learning activities. Well done!

7/8B - Tiana - For Learning - Tiana has engaged in all learning tasks this week and participated with a positive attitude. Well done!

7/8A - Harrison - For Independence - Harrison has put extra effort to remain calm and not react when he is feeling uncomfortable. Well done!

5/6A -  Jafeth for using increased verbal communication for needs and wants.

5 /6D -  Andre for improving his concentration in discussions and with learning tasks. 

5/6C -  Mannie  for being respectful and a good friend to his peers. 

5/6B -  Hayden for always being a good role model who is responsible and shows initiative in the classroom.