Interschool Cross Country


After several changes of date due to weather, the Interschool Cross Country Carnival was held on Thursday 18th August at Piney Lakes Reserve. Our team embraced the new course and perfect conditions to run many personal bests. Overall our school finished in fourth place. Thank you to Gavin Turner for providing his time and expertise to train our team in the before-school sessions. 


The huge support from many parents and the supportive attitude of our students toward each other really developed a close team environment, where many people stepped up to offer assistance when required. This is a challenging event run at a high-performance level in front of a large crowd. It gave our students the opportunity to extend and test their resilience. They all should be proud of their performance and effort in representing our school.


A special mention to our medal winners:

Chase  – 1st place for Year 3 Boys

Jude  – 2nd place for Year 3 Boys

Lachlan  – 3rd place for Year 5 Boys

Astoria  – 2nd place for Year 6 Girls