Year 4 News 

 Ashleigh McClung, Patricia Paxton, Ashleigh Turvey, Phil Gardin, Deb Richardson

Room 10

Room 10 has been having a blast this term!  


In Technologies, we have been working hard on our ‘Design a Playground’ project. We have followed the design process closely and are nearly at the final stage. We are almost finished creating a 3D digital design using Tinkercad. It really tested our patience and resilience as it was our first time using it. Luckily we persevered because our designs are looking fantastic!  

 In HASS, we have recently finished our Early Explorers project where we had to interview the ghost of a European explorer. We loved using the green screen and iMovie! Miss McClung thinks we have some future actors and actresses in our class.  

Last week we had a visit from Bunnings. We worked collaboratively to construct a toolbox, taking turns gluing and hammering. They turned out amazing, it seems we are very handy!  


We have loved having Miss Kalotay in our classroom this term! She always plans such fun and engaging lessons for us. She really challenged us recently with the task ‘How old are you?’ We started off easy, calculating our age in months, weeks, and days, then put our problem-solving skills to the test when she asked us to calculate how old we were in minutes and seconds. Can you work it out? 

Room 11

Mining cookies for chocolate chips in Science was a delicate operation for Year 4 students from Room 11,  especially given the budget constraints and the cost of tools and equipment!  

Digital and design technologies are combined in Room 11’s animation project. The clips are in the production phase now and looking great so far. Next will be editing as we combine them to make our movie. The collaborative problem-solving and technical skills demonstrated by our Year 4 students are impressive. 


Here are our papier mache animal masks – Spectacular aren’t they? 

We are all enjoying our weekly training for the Athletics Carnival especially if the weather is fine and the sand in the long- jump pit is dry! We are so looking forward to the Carnival on 16 September. 

Room 12 

This term, Year 4 students from Room 12 have been working on a design project for some of the raised vegetable gardens. They have done research on which vegetables grow best at this time of year and recommended spacing, and have worked collaboratively to design the vegetable patches. This week, the students were busy pulling out weeds in preparation.  

Room 21

At the end of Term 2, Room 27 teacher and students made the transition to Room 21.  The students moved chairs, books, files, trays, and anything that wasn’t nailed down!  We are now very happy in our new classroom and enjoying having a bit more space. 


The students have been working hard learning about sustainability and applying their knowledge using Minecraft Education which is using their creativity, communication, collaboration, and citizenship skills. 


In English, we are studying different genres of Poetry. For our Haiku poetry, we observed the differences in bark and leaves amongst the various trees we have at Burrendah Primary School. 


In Maths, as part of learning Fractions, students built models out of LEGO and used pattern blocks to show their understanding of halves, quarters, sixths, etc. Using critical thinking skills together with their creativity they collaborated with each other to reflect on designs and reinforce what they have been learning. 


Athletics training has started although it has been a bit tricky due to the weather. However, all students are trying their best and showing great sportsmanship.