WMM Secondhand Toy & Plant Stall! 

Community Events Team 




We’d be so grateful if you could do a quick house rummage and donate any pre-loved quality used toys, puzzles, games, soft toys - even records & any vintage gold to the stall! 


We’re also offering plants & succulents for sale so green thumb donations VERY welcome - potted succulents, indoor plant clippings, small potted plants, herbs etc! 


Donation drop off:

PLANTS - to be dropped off the morning of the WMM to the stall. 

SECONDHAND GOODS - Please drop your donations to the school office from now until Friday 5 August. 


OR contact us to arrange collection or drop off - forde.nat@gmail.com or lucy.knox@iinet.net.au


We’d love your help on the day, add your name to the shared volunteer list if you’re interested!