First Aid

Lisa Ralling

Ice Packs Required

Can you help us out in First Aid?


There is a shortage of icepacks in the First Aid room so it would be greatly appreciated if there are any families who would like to donate an icepack to restock our freezer.


Thank you in anticipation.


Lisa Ralling

First Aid Officer

Lost Property

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU LABEL YOUR children’s belongings IF YOU WANT THEM returned.  Any unnamed items are either returned to the Uniform Shop for resale, or if poor quality, these goods are discarded.  Any unlabeled lunch containers are also discarded.  Any Unlabeled Non School uniform will be given to a charity of choice if not claimed.



Change of Clothes

On wet weather days we are getting more students needing a change of clothes. If this is something your child will likely need please have a change of clothes in their school bag to change into when needed.


Children who have been given any emergency clothing to wear, parents need to 

wash and return them to First Aid room.


With the wet weather and the subsequent puddles in the school grounds, the First Aid room needs a good supply of small to medium size track pants. If this is something you can supply the school with please drop off to the First Aid room or Office.


Thank you kindly in advice