Hello Robbie Mac Families!


Thank you to those who participated in our online meeting.  We know it is not always easy, and meetings do tend to be boring, but the effect of your input will make a huge difference. 


The PFA and the incredible volunteers have been working hard to ensure we have a fun term 3 and term 4! 


Here are some of the events we are supporting:


Mission: Respect  - August 3, 6PM - 7:30 PM


This free education program for parents is a great program to attend to ensure we are well equipped to prevent and deal with gender-based violence our children may suffer.  At RMPS our children learn about respectful relationships and it is only wise to learn and understand the concept better and help create a better future for our children.

The school is providing free childcare and pizza, so the kids and dinner is sorted. 


You can still register at:


Moana- August 17-18


Our children have been practicing very hard to perform in this adventurous play where we will see Moana sail the seas and meet many of our kids on the way!

Make sure you book your tickets and invite all your loved ones.  It’s not always we see our little children turn into “Broadway Stars”!“


Bunnings BBQ- August 21


We will be cooking, mingling and chatting to our hearts' content! 

If you want to be part of it reach out, or just go and get yourself and your kids a famous Bunnings Sausage!


Foundation Transition Program - August 24


We are delighted to announce that Robbie Mac will be holding two Transition/Stepping Up Sessions in person this year.

These sessions are an opportunity to welcome the parents and carers of new children to the school. 

While the children enjoy some time in the classrooms, we welcome the parents and carers to join in the hall for some morning/afternoon tea and a cuppa and chat.


We would love to invite current Foundation Robbie Mac parents and carers to these morning and afternoon teas.  This will be a great opportunity to talk to new families about your experience joining the school, things your children have liked most, their learning experiences so far, Team Kids etc.


More details will follow on Compass and WhatsApp.


Trivia Night - September, 10


Nicole and Ranj have been working hard to organise a well-deserved, great grown-up night.


Start training your brain and gather all those very “useful” facts to show who is the smartest of them all…some say it might be the kids, especially the teens! Let's prove them wrong!




Well, that’s what we’ve been up to.  And we are not stopping. There are Children’s Disco, Colour Run, Multicultural Picnic and so much more we want to do until the end of the year.



Once again, thank you to those making it all happen.


Have a lovely end of July,


The PFA Team