Year 3/4 News

Wominjeka! Welcome!
What an exciting few weeks we've had as a year level! Here are just a few snapshots of what we have gotten up to in the last few weeks...
Camp Dewar
On Monday 8th August, 69 Yr 3/4 students, 8 teachers & 6 parent helpers headed to Camp Dewar, an adventure camp located near the Werribee Gorge.
Students had the opportunity to experience new adventures and activities. Students were placed into activity groups and rotated through six activities -
Dual Flying Fox
Campfire Cooking
Kick Biking
Geo-Caching (teams use GPS devices to find hidden 'caches' around the camp)
Adventure Tunnelling
Students also roasted marshmallows on the campfire and enjoyed singing along to the camp song, 'A Roosta Sha'.
Both students and teachers enjoyed their camp experience and agreed that it was the BEST camp yet!
Here are some of their camp reflections -
(Juliette, Cian & Blake)
We couldn't forget our favourite campfire sing-a-long...A Roosta Sha...
Commonwealth Games
On Friday 5th August, the whole school participated in a 'Commonwealth Games' Fun Day. Each homeroom represented a country from the Commonwealth.
The 3/4 homerooms were -
3/4H - South Africa
3/4M - Jamaica
3/4P - England
Students dressed up in their country colours and made flags, banners and decorations to promote their country.
Students participated in a rotation of
activities and all had a fun day!
In weeks 5 and 6, students in Year 3/4 have been studying Location. Students have been using simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information in basic maps as well as identify symmetry in their environment. They have also created symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes.
Learning Intentions & Timetable
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly - Friday 19th August
Book Week Dress-up day - Friday 26th August (Parade/Assembly at 2:30pm - Parents Welcome)
Book Week Performance -Friday 26th August 9am
School Closure Day (no school) - Tuesday 23rd August
Book Week - Monday 22nd - Friday 26th August "Dreaming With Eyes Open"
Sacrament of First Reconciliation - Thursday 1st of September 10.00am (during school hours for First Eucharist communicants)
Father's Day Celebrations - Friday 2nd September
Contact Details
Linda Pham
Belinda Hirschauer
Kaitlyn McMillan
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.