Foundation News

Artists in Residence Meet Foundation
This week, Foundation students participated in a number of workshops exploring Indigenous Art. The children learnt about kinship, the importance of the land and the significance of line, texture, shape & colour in nature. Students became familiar with Indigenous iconography and viewed different Aboriginal artwork that showcased different icons.
A highlight for Foundation students was to put what they learnt into practise. The children came up with their own stories and icons, and created transient collages using natural materials. They experimented with lines and patterns and replicated these on dry gum leaves that are found in abundance on the ground.
We thank Emma and Anthea for coming all the way from Warrnambool to share their stories, talents and expertise. We especially thank them for expanding our knowledge of Aboriginal culture and teaching us about cultural appropriation.
We invite you to view artwork students in Foundation created during this workshop.
Maths-The Sequence for Developing the Addition Concept
In Foundation, addition is introduced through verbal action stories that involve joining. For example, "There were 4 ducks on the pond. 3 more ducks flew to the pond to join them. How many ducks are on the pond now?
The children are guided in using materials to show these addition situations. Students set out objects and the addition algorithm vertically. For example:
Gradually, symbols are introduced to represent this process, matching + to the joining process through careful development eg:
4 4 4
3 and 3 + 3 4 add 3 is 7
7 7 7
It is important that children can match stories/materials/symbols. Emphasis is placed on the part/part/whole aspect of addition eg:
Finally, it is important that the children's addition language is extended by building in alternative expressions that mean or imply 'add'.
By following the steps above enables students to fully understand what addition means in a real life context. It also gives students a solid understanding of addition so that they can build on their skills based on this concept in future years.
Grazie to Our Parent Community Helpers!
Over the past few weeks, many Foundation parents have kindly given up their time to come and talk to the children about their job and ways they contribute to the community. We have incredible parents who contribute in a myriad of ways! The children gained insight into how teachers are taught, how children and the environment and our ecology are kept safe, how accident victims are rehabilitated, how buildings are imploded and how you have to pay tax once you get a job! We are extremely grateful for all our parents and the way they contribute to make our community a better place.
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly - Friday 19th August
Book Week Dress-up day - Friday 26th August (Parade/Assembly at 2:30pm - Parents Welcome)
Book Week Performance -Friday 26th August 9am
School Closure Day (no school) - Tuesday 23rd August
Book Week - Monday 22nd -Friday 26th August "Dreaming With Eyes Open"
Father's Day Celebrations - Friday 2nd September
Week 7 & 8 Timetables
Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions
Michelle Slattery (FM)
Lorraine Uzunovski (FL)
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.