

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus.

What a joyful occasion that was experienced yesterday as we gathered as a school and parish community to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus.  This Eucharistic celebration focused on Mary as Jesus’ first disciple, and her example of service is one we as Catholics look up to and try to live out daily. Mary is the mother of us all, and through her example of faithfulness, we gather as believers in the name of her Son, Jesus Christ.

Pope Francis's message in evangelising Mary's goodness proclaims; that we should view the Mother of God in glory,  understand that true power is service, that to reign means to love, and that this is the road to Heaven. Francis asks us to continue invoking Our Lady's intercession so that God might give the world peace and that we all share in His love.


Sacramental Program 

A friendly reminder of the key dates and ongoing formation Mass attendance.  We thank all families who attended the Eucharist Initiation and Commitment weekend Masses. If you were unable to attend  either the 6th or 7th of August, we ask that you attend 4 weekend Parish Masses as your ongoing formation commitment. We will continue to communicate with all families via the newsletter and skoolbag notices regarding the First Eucharist celebration in early October. 

Whole School Assembly and Level Masses

We welcome the opportunity to be able to gather together as a community and celebrate whole school events, particularly assemblies and Masses.

 Assemblies are held on Fridays at 2.45 pm in the school hall during the winter months.  Once We will return to conducting assemblies outside if the weather permits. We invite all families to join us  on this fortnightly occasion (at times specially announced occasion) where we celebrate the children's learning and achievements. We also invite families to level or whole school Masses. It was lovely to have many of our Foundation parents join us for level Mass.

For the remainder of the Term, level Masses will be held on;

Year 1/2 level- Thursday 25th August at 10 am

Year 5/6 level- Wednesday 31st August at 10 am.

Level Masses occur once a term for each year level.