Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -


The main focus in P.E. at the moment is of course dancing. It's become quite exciting to see each homerooms dance come together and start taking shape. A lot of students have enjoyed the opportunity to express themselves and it's wonderful witnessing the children who have come out of their shells as the program has evolved. As we come into the last couple of weeks of the program it is really important that the students are there to consolidate what they have already learnt and to allow the teachers to bring each of the dances together.


If anyone has any questions about the dance program or the upcoming concert please feel free to email me on the address at the top of the page.


District Athletics

The District Athletics is now only a week away with it scheduled to take place next Wednesday August 24 at Coburg Athletics Track. Please see the program attached, but be aware that there may be some changes through the day due to time constraints. It has been really encouraging to see so many students committed to the training program, particularly the high jump which has been very popular at lunchtime on a Wednesday. We wish all the students the best of luck and are sure that they will do the school proud as they always do.