Science Education

Julie Garbutt:


Foundation students selected and described their favorite hat decorations. The following week, students were explicitly taught how objects are made of materials that have observable properties. Students predicted and explained whether hats are suitable to wear on sunny or rainy days based on the properties of their materials. 

Year 1/2

Year 1/2 students were explicitly taught how a push or pull affects how toys move or change. Students reflected on their experiences to-date, discussed the terms 'force' and 'gravity and represented push and pull forces using force-arrow diagrams. 

The following week, students planned and conducted an investigation into the factors that affect a paper helicopter's fall through air. Students greatly enjoyed this investigation and most concluded the helicopter with the longer wings moved more slowly through the air, because of the force of air pushing up on the wings. 

Year 3/4

Year 3/4 students were explicitly taught that forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct and indirect contact. Students firstly discussed their thoughts about different claims about forces, before viewing and discussing a video clip about forces. 

The following week, students had the opportunity to apply their knowledge about forces in a new context, by making a plan for a a simple game that uses magnetism.  Later in the term, students will have the opportunity to work with others to build and play their game. 

Year 5/6

Year 5/6 students explored the benefits of living near volcanoes. Students helped create a class mind map about the benefits, read a factual text about natural hazards and compared living near a volcano with other natural hazards. 

The following week, students conducted an investigation into whether the viscosity of a volcano's lava affects its shape. Students enjoyed this investigation. Most students concluded that runny lava (low viscosity) would create a volcano that is wide at the base and not very high, whereas lava that has high viscosity (thick) would make a volcano that have steep sides, are tall and not so wide. 

National Science Week

This week is National Science Week and the theme is Glass: more than meets the eye. All students will engage with different learning activities all about glass.