Year 5/6 News 


Wominjeka (translation: come with purpose) to week 6, and what a busy week it is turning out to be! We are very excited to have Emma Stenhouse ( and Anthea Rafferty visiting our school this week, to help immerse us into a world of art, culture, and understanding. 

We also have a special visit from the Victoria Police to discuss cyber safety, as well as a debating competition on Wednesday. It’s shaping up to be an exciting week of learning in 5/6.

The rest of the term continues to ramp up with many special events coming up. Most notably we have an excursion to CERES, Book Week and our Fathers Day celebration. Here are some highlights from the previous two weeks -


In Literacy, the students have been doing a great job at expressing their views and opinions to their peers. We have excitedly selected a team for our debating tournament this Wednesday where we host students from other schools. 

The students have been working hard to compile research, and have been experimenting with different types of language to express their view. 

Commonwealth Games     Celebration

On Friday August 5th, the Year 5/6 students led the school through a range of activities and games. During the morning it was the F-2 students turn to come outside and enjoy all the fun and excitement. The 5/6 students were allocated different stations to organise and run. They did a fantastic job of this with the student's individual leadership skills shining through. In the afternoon it was their turn to enjoy the activities and they again conducted themselves beautifully. A magnificent day was had by all!

Cybersafety Police Visit

Today we were fortunate to have a visit from Police Officers at Preston Police Station. The Officers discussed our digital footprint, cyberbullying and its impact on others, and strategies we can use to keep safe online. They also reiterated the importance of telling a trusted adult when something 'doesn't feel right.' 

Parent Helpers 

We would love to have Parent Helpers within our learning space. Please find attached our form for those new parents wanting to get involved. 

For existing Parent Helpers, please let us know if your availability has changed. 

 Weekly Timetable

Please find attached our Week 7 timetable. 

Learning Intentions

Please have a look at what we are investigating and learning over the next fortnight.

Important Dates

Debating Tournament - Wednesday August 17

Tournament of Minds - Sunday August 21

Book Week - Monday August 22 until Friday August 26

Book Week Dress-up day - Friday 26th August (Parade/Assembly at 2:30pm - Parents Welcome)

Book Week Performance -Friday 26th August 9am

Student Free Day (Staff Professional Learning) - Tuesday August 23

PDSSA Athletics Carnival - Wednesday August 24

CERES Excursion - Monday August 29 

Writers Festival - Thursday September 1

Fathers Day Celebration - Friday September 2


Contact Details

5/6A  Maxwell Allan 

5/6D Anastasia Dullard 

5/6SV Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal

We kindly ask all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt. 


Support Shane Giese 


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.