Students of the Week- week 8

Monday 29th August, 2022

PrepHong KFor your amazing efforts with your writing. We love how you are using your letter/sound knowledge to write words. We are so proud of you!    
PrepNoah SFor being like a superhero in the way you care for your friends and do what is right, even when no one is watching. You are amazing!    
PrepSara ZFor being kind and compassionate towards your classmates and putting your best into everything you do. You are amazing, Sara!    
PrepSienna VFor your positive attitude towards your reading. You are reading with wonderful fluency and confidence. Awesome effort, Sienna!    
Year 2Liam CFor extending yourself in division and always challenging yourself in maths. Keep up the great work, Liam. You rock!    
Year 2Shais SFor your amazing work with division in Mathematics. You are becoming a Maths Whiz!    
Year 2Alicia A MFor showing terrific confidence in presenting your show and share. You spoke so well and had a big smile. Keep it up, Alicia!    
Year 2Om PFor writing a fabulous "Late for School" story and editing it carefully to ensure it made sense! Keep up the great writing, Om!    
Year 4Aarohi DFor always having positive attitude to her learning and for being a kind and compassionate friend. Keep up the amazing work, Aarohi!    
Year 6Jake LFor showing such wonderful commitment and a positive attitude towards your learning - we are so proud of how far you have come with your writing and your number skills! Keep up the awesome effort!    
Year 6Kenath SFor working so hard in all areas of your learning - you inspire us every day with your positivity and the support you show to everyone around you!