Arts News

Interview with a Year 2 artist:  Oliver M 

Tell us about your art work, Oliver:  

I was at my house and my Mum bought me a canvas and I painted it. I painted it over many days. I was trying to paint like Emily Kame Kngwarreye. I like how her art work has all these dots on it.  

Evie: How long did it take you to make?  

Oliver: About a week. 

Toby: What did you use to make the dots?  

Oliver: A yellow paint colour and a small paint brush. 

Hanish: Did you find it hard?  

Oliver: Not really. It was a bit hard to decide where I should put the dots. 

Piper: When you look at it what do you think of?  

Oliver: The blue looks like water and the red looks like lava. 

Jayden: Why did you use a canvas?  

Oliver: It’s harder to paint on paper because it is thinner than canvas. 

Alyssa: Did you find it fun? 

 Oliver: Yes I found it lots of fun.