Assistant Principal's Message

Maramba Vision

Providing a caring environment where aspirations are nurtured, positive relationships grow, success is celebrated and a passion for lifelong learning is ignited.

Nurture. Innovate. Celebrate.




Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,


Breakfast Club


We are excited to announce that on Wednesday 19th May, Maramba is starting the Breakfast Club in the foyer of the gym from 8.20 to 8.40. Our Breakfast Club will occur once a week on Wednesday and will provide a healthy breakfast for students who may otherwise arrive at school hungry and for those who may need to catch up with their friends in a supportive environment. 


Sharing breakfast with friends is a great way for all children to start the day and reinforces our school values of Respect, Relationship, Responsibility and Resilience. It also supports the development of some independence skills as children take responsibility for making their breakfast and cleaning up after themselves.


The program is managed by Foodbank Victoria, the largest food welfare agency in Australia. Foodbank Victoria deliver healthy, free food supplies to the school. We are always on the lookout for volunteers to come and support this program. If you are interested please contact the school office.


The breakfast club is a very welcoming place in our school and supports families in a number of ways. The food we are offering for breakfast are:

  • Cheerio
  • Fruit cups
  • Cereal muesli
  • Cereal wheat biscuits
  • Fruit cups


Kind regards,


Diane Morwood

Assistant Principal