

23rd-29th of May

Curriculum Day

Tuesday 15th of June


Reading– During Term 2 in reading, Prep students will be focusing on learning how to retell and sequence a familiar text that they have been reading in the classroom. This will involve being able to identify the main characters in the story (who), where the story happened (setting), recalling at least two key events and retelling the story in the correct order using beginning , middle and end. 

Students will also undertake further learning around making predictions of a text using text clues such as pictures to assist with 

making a guess about what the story may be about or what might happen next. They will also begin to use their prior knowledge and discuss what they already know about a topic before reading a text.


Writing– In Writing, students will continue their work on writing about an experience that has already happened and will utilise the elements of who, what, when and where. 

They will begin a unit on persuasive writing where students will have the opportunity to express their opinions on certain topics, as well as, explain their reasons behind why they formed such an opinion.

Furthermore, students will learn how to write an information report about a type of animal or community helper and will undertake a research process and learn how to record simple facts about a topic to inform and teach others about what they have learnt. 


In Maths, prep students will be engaged in a unit of Length which will involve explaining and measuring the length of objects, 

ordering objects by how long something is and comparing the length of objects. 

Students will continue working on number recognition and counting from zero to twenty. They will be identifying these numbers, counting forwards and backwards, as well as, matching these numbers to quantities. 



Throughout Inquiry in Term 2, students will investigate and learn about their communities and the people in those communities who we can trust to keep us safe. 

The students will learn the key understanding that there are people in our community who can help us and who we can trust. To reach the key understanding the students will ask questions such as, who are the types of people who can help me? Students will further investigate and answer questions about how these people are able to help us. Through research, class discussions and reflection the students will understand and be able to answer these key questions. We have a very engaging and busy term to look forward to in Inquiry! I am very eager to begin and assist the students in growing their knowledge about our community and the responsible people within it. 



Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day –missing school puts them behind. We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. 

The main reasons for absence are:

Sickness – There are always times when students need to miss school, such as when they’re ill. It’s vital that they’re only away on the days they are genuinely sick, and setting good sleep patterns, eating well and exercising regularly can make a big difference.

It's vital that holidays are planned during school holidays where possible, and not during the term if it can be avoided.

Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher as early as possible


ART: It is so exciting to be back in the art room with the Prep students this term! We will begin the term with directed drawing, identifying and naming different types of lines. From there we will move into activities that give us the opportunity to practice creating a variety of lines to apply to our artworks. The mediums we will explore include oil pastels, etching, paints, chalks and paper marbling. We will also make sure to revisit and consolidate our knowledge of colour theory from Term 1, weaving this into our projects. I have been so impressed by the students’ capacity to jump into activities and take risks when making. I know the students are looking forward to bringing home more of their fabulous works from the semester!



PE: Welcome to Term 2 PE! Grade Preps are revising their running and jumping skills by practising to ensure they position their legs, knees and arms correctly. They will continue to work on how to hop, leap and skip. This term students will be introduced to catching, throwing and kicking. They will build their skills in keeping their eyes on the ball when catching, keeping their elbows bent and hands in front of their bodies to receive the ball. Students will learn to throw by using underarm and overarm techniques and keep their eyes focused on the target. Grade Preps will practise how to kick a ball by stepping forward with their eyes focussed as they make contact. Students will also work on kicking and passing the ball to their peers. Grade Preps will engage in warm ups, playing games and completing obstacle courses. 


MUSIC: Welcome to Term 2 Music! Students are revising their knowledge of pitch (high and low) by singing and playing tuned instruments such as the glockenspiel. This term Grade Preps will learn about rhythm and beat. When learning about rhythm they will use the lyrics in nursery rhymes to break down the syllables they hear which form the rhythmic patterns. Students will transfer this knowledge by demonstrating rhythm on percussion instruments. Grade Preps will also learn about beat by identifying and feeling the pulse of the music they hear. They will use movement and instruments to practice their skills in identifying and demonstrating various beats in different types of music. 



CIENCE: Welcome to Term 2 Science! This term we are focusing on the Earth and Space Science strand by investigating the weather in our world.

Students will investigate different weather conditions and learn to describe common weather events. Students will explore weather symbols used in weather reports through observing and creating their own.  There will be a focus on the four seasons and the type of clothing that might be appropriate for each. Students will have opportunities to spend time outside observing the weather, making predictions and recording observations.  Students will learn through a variety of activities, including observing an experiment which demonstrates how clouds make rain!