Sport News

'We love getting active and learning new skills in our outside spaces.'

Dear families,


Term one has been a brilliant term with students participating in a range of engaging games and activities with a main focus on skills, strategies and sportsmanship. They have pushed through the weather conditions and have shown brilliant team work and resilience. On top of this, we have begun filming some of our skills for our Class Dojo portfolios in grades 1-6. A huge thank you to the majority of students who are remembering to bring their hat and drink bottle each week!


Congratulations to our Basketball Team

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 Basketball Team who made the summer interschool sports finals. The team demonstrated fantastic sportsmanship and represented us with true St Anthony's spirit.


For Term Two, students will be focusing on:

PREP: Overarm Throw, Skipping, Jumping, Catching and Cooperative Games

ONE/TWO: Kicking, Bouncing, One Hand Striking and Cooperative Games

THREE/FOUR: Athletics and Target Sports (Bocce and Golf)

FIVE/SIX: Athletics and Target Sports (Bocce and Frisbee Golf)


As you know from last year, St. Anthony's were given a grant to promote and develop the school's Physical Literacy. The staff participated in a professional development session based around Physical Activity in the classroom and we have created activity boxes for the classrooms with equipment so that the teachers are now able to put this into practise with our students!



Emily Prato

Physical Education Teacher 

St. Anthony's Catholic Primary School