Senior School

Welcome to Term Two from the Senior School!

On Tuesday, 20 April the senior school held its first assembly of 2021. It was wonderful to have all the senior school students together and acknowledge their achievements from a busy Term One. 


During the assembly, we acknowledged those senior students who achieved significant SUCCESS in each of their senior programs. Awards were given to students in the VCE, VCAL and Y10 programs. 


Well done to everyone who received a certificate and to everyone who worked extremely hard to meet our College Value of SUCCESS in Term One. Keep up the great work.

Year 10 Term 1 SUCCESS awards
Year 11 Term 1 SUCCESS awards
Year 12 Term 1 SUCCESS awards
Year 10 Term 1 SUCCESS awards
Year 11 Term 1 SUCCESS awards
Year 12 Term 1 SUCCESS awards

We also outlined how our senior students can continue to achieve academic success in 2021. In Term Two, we would like students to continue their focus on our College Value of SUCCESS but also our College Value of AMBITION. An outline of how our senior students can achieve our College values of  SUCCESS and AMBITION is below.

Senior students should focus on the College values of Success and Ambition to achieve academic success in 2021.

How our senior students can achieve academic success in 2021.

When and where you can study at school. Please take advantage.


Finally, a reminder to all of our students about wearing our school uniform. To be part of our wonderful community you should be wearing your full school uniform with pride, all day, every day. If parents/carers need assistance in attaining uniform, don’t hesitate to contact our the Senior or Junior schools.