Victorian High Ability Program News

Ms Jodie Purches 

The Victorian High-Ability program is a 10-week online extension and enrichment program for selected Year 7 and 8 students in English and Mathematics. 

Amy Pham, Gryphon Thomson, Vivien Tang, Jailan Yeung and Veronica Talakouras were selected by the Department of Education to participate in this program during Term 1.

After completing the virtual program, students participated in a face-to-face masterclass with other High-Ability students from schools in their local area. 

Jodie Purches - Innovations & Excellence


Student Reflections

Vivien Tang – 8D
Vivien Tang – 8D

The VHAP program as a whole was a very interesting experience and amazing opportunity to extend my capabilities in maths. The program allowed and helped us to think more outside of the box and taught us to asks questions about why or how something is like this to further our understanding of the problem. Interacting with the other students from different schools during the master class was also quite a good learning experience, since the majority of us had different ways that we approached the problems we were given. Overall, I enjoyed this program and would recommend it to others.


Gryphon Thomson – 8D
Gryphon Thomson – 8D

While hesitant at first, I found VHAP to be a great experience. I was worried about the workload, but the other teachers were understanding, and I was able to find a good balance. VHAP helped me to explore new ideas that were not often discussed in mainstream classes. It allowed me to make connections between dystopian concepts and current issues in today’s society. Attending a Masterclass in the last week was great as it enabled me to meet face-to-face with the people I have been working with online over the past term. Overall, it was a great experience, 

and I recommend it to anyone if they are given the opportunity.