School for Student Leadership 

Dylan exploring the Camp site 

I was able to visit the three Reservoir High students, Summer, Cooper and Dylan late last term at the Dinner Plain campus of the School for Student Leadership (SSL). It was a very pleasant experience. The students welcomed me and showed me around the school buildings. They then provided me with a lovely lunch which was followed by the 43 students at SSL presenting their Community Learning Projects to the assembled audience. These were interspersed with student music, speeches and even some card tricks. The Reservoir students CLP project was called "The Fish Tank" - which will enable younger students (in this case Preston North East primary) to "have a deeper sense of awareness, understanding and connection to their thoughts and emotions" (from the students written project overview.)The SSL is a nine week residential, leadership camp which is open to Year 9 students. There have been many students from RHS who have participated over previous years and it has been a really positive experience for the students. As expected Summer, Cooper and Dylan have really enjoyed their time at SSL and I am sure this program will have a positive outcome for their future. They each impressed me greatly during my visit. If you have questions about the SSL program, please contact Ms. Rogneda who is the Liaison 



Mr Tony Marcus