Dr Liversey VCAL Scholarship

Congratulations to Blair Duncan 

            Interview with Dr Liversey VCAL scholarship recipient Blair Duncan


Ms Rossini:   Thank you for making time to come to the school Blair as I know you have a very busy schedule and often your job takes you to distant sites. Tell me something about the work that you do.


Blair:   I am working in the demolition industry. We do a lot of stripping of buildings, removal of internal structures etc.


Ms Rossini:   What do you like about it?


Blair: Well, you get to destroy stuff for rebuilding.


Ms Rossini:   You are obviously very happy being out there and forging a life for yourself. What are your plans for the near future?


Blair:   I want to move out of home and find my own place and become independent and build a life for myself.


Ms Rossini:   What do you see your life to be in the next few years? Kids?


Blair:   Yeah, eventually in the distant, distant future. A nice dog, nice car, nice house oh and nice wife and a boy and a girl but like I said, a long time from now.


Ms Rossini:   What are some of the challenges you believe young people face these days after they leave school and enter the world as young, independent adults?


Blair:   They have it pretty good overall although finding a job can be hard but if you are not picky, you can find something. Experience is the key.


Ms Rossini:   How has school life at Reservoir High helped you prepare you for future success?


Blair:   My VCAL, White Card and VET certificates have allowed me to get into the workforce pretty much before finishing school.


Ms Rossini: Why do you think you were awarded the Dr. Liversey scholarship and what does that mean for you?


Blair:   I think I got it because of my determination to get a job. The cheque will help me with plans to save money. It is so easy to spend money when you start earning.


Ms Rossini:   What would you say to Dr. Liversey if you were to meet him today?


Blair:   Thanks for the recognition, greatly appreciated.


Ms Rossini:   Based on the experiences you have had so far, what message do you have for our current VCAL and VCE students about seeking a happy and fulfilling life for themselves?


Blair:   Do not waste time and get straight into life.


Ms Rossini:   Thank you Blair. It was a pleasure to see you again and we hope you come and visit your teachers when you have time as they would love to see you. They remember you with great affection.



Nina Rossini

VCAL Coordinator