
The main photo above shows the students of Kilbreda in 1921. It is taken near where the glass doors open from the Colonnade into the office. I did meet one of the girls in the photo, the wonderful Bessy Leahy (née O’Dwyer) who lived in a third floor flat until her death aged 97.
She supplied some interesting pieces which appear in our centenary history, A View from the Tower, such as her 1922 report, but sadly died in 2004 a few months before the book’s release. She is sitting in the centre of the group. Not much is written about life here one hundred years ago, but included is a list of students’ results from that year from the Melbourne Catholic paper at the time, The Advocate.
In 1931, a major event was the celebration of Mother Vincent’s jubilee. 1941 saw the arrival of Srs Madeleine and Andrew McDonald and Stanislaus Ryan in Mentone. Later that year, in September, two Brigidines, who were very dear to me, began stints here. The much-loved music teacher Sr Paulinus and dear Sr Canisius, who taught in the school’s first dedicated science room. Sr Canisia died not far short of her 100th birthday in 2019.
Other news in 1941 appears in the Convent Annals. On page 73 we read, “A very pressing need was supplied in August in the form of a Frigidaire. Mother Margaret Mary Bourke met in town Dorothy Cass towards the end of July and together they saw a few possible Frigidaires”. Dorothy was President of the very active past pupils’ association which sought to present it in memory of Mother Clare Skelly. The annalist notes that “it was in place and working by August 18th, St Clare’s feast”.
In May 1951, the sale of a further 8 acres of our Farm was effected at £1200 per acre. On July 26th the foundations for the new building were begun, now the STEM room and Rooms 24-26. “An electric washing machine was installed in the laundry in March at a cost of 95 pounds plus Hot Water Service.”
On page 112, appears “The ever memorable event of the year was the coming of the Pilgrim Fatima statue which arrived at Kilbreda 1st March.
Sixty years ago, in 1961, a building for many years referred to as the Cottage, formerly the Mentone Post Office, became the first staff room. “The former dressmaking room gives ample accommodation to the Teachers. Every modern convenience is supplied.” 1
1971 saw the removal of an old willow tree, which was cut down to make way for the library, which would “be of great assistance in the development of library-oriented courses throughout the school. In the course of her recent visit overseas Sr Barbara has specially studied the role of the library in education so we feel that her information will be of considerable help in establishing the scheme on a satisfactory footing. It will be open at the bottom with rooms to be walled in at a later date as the need arises.” 2. Sir Brian Hone, the Victorian Chief of the Library Committee, said at the time that “the plans should make it one of the finest school libraries, and something of which Kilbreda can be very proud.”3 1971 was also Sr Barbara’s last year at Kilbreda, replaced by Sr Pius Kennedy.
1981 was a momentous year for the sisters of the Brigidine convent. On August 8, Kilbreda’s 77th birthday, the sisters moved to Mitchell St and other nearby convents. Former Superior Sr Stephanie O’Neill returned to Kilbreda early in 1981 “to help those who needed a little extra care”. Sadly, she became ill in early May and died on May 14.
1991 was of interest in that we still had a number of Brigidine sisters on staff. Sr Mary Dalton, of course, was Principal, along with Sisters Maree Simm, Mercedes Brown, Paulinus Crough and Clare Jansen. Delany Day Mass that year was celebrated by our local Bishop, George Pell.
2001 marked the arrival at Kilbreda of Mr Vince Beirne and Mrs Kim Aidone. It also marked the return from leave of Lucia Liberatore, Laura Lunardi, Carole Downie and Bernie Campbell (Clark), and the departure after thirty years on staff of former coordinator Mrs Patsy Riordan, mother of current staff member, Camille. I also visited Tullow that year and started the pen-pal program with students of Brigidine College, Mountrath, which continues today.
Ten years ago at Kilbreda, the Auditorium and Kildare Centre did not exist and Grace Sabbatucci, who is currently on staff as a member of the music department, was College Captain. On June 24 2011, we were privileged to be visited by an Archbishop for the first time in many years, as Denis Hart joined us to celebrate Mass and finishing by blessing staff and students travelling to East Timor.
Damian Smith
1 Mentone Convent Annals p147
2 Kilbreda Annual 1971 p 46
3 Kilbreda Annual 1971 p 45
4 Convent Annals p 272