Principal's News

Steam Punk by 56A

Dear Families and Friends,


Welcome back to Term 2 - I hope you all had a lovely break with your family and friends. I certainly got to spend some lovely quality time with my granddaughter which was so special.



We are still under Covid restrictions which means we still cannot have parents go into the classrooms to drop their children off due to the density quota rule. We can have classroom helpers as one extra adult in the room does not affect the quota. This could last until the end of the year as we are still in a state of emergency until then.



As you are aware at the start of 2021, Catholic Education Melbourne, underwent a Governance change. Catholic Education Melbourne has had a name change - it is now called Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). This change means all Catholic principals, teachers and school staff are now employed by MACS and not the Parish Priest. 


Due to this change in Governance we also have to change all our policies so that all Catholic Schools are aligned, with small changes to the policy to suit the needs of individual schools. On Friday we will be sending home via Operoo the ICT user agreement for students and parents to sign. Over the next few weeks we will be sending home other policies such as Parent Code of Conduct, Student Code of Conduct and Mobile phone agreements.


Head Lice

We have had a number of reports of headlice over the holidays.  We ask that you check your child/rens hair if they are displaying any symptoms please treat appropriately.


Social Media Presence

We have just set up a Social Media Presence on Facebook and Instagram. Each week we will be putting up photos of our students (if permission is given) and their work. On Tuesday Tracey sent out a permission form asking parents to give permission for their child/ren to be photos and school work to be used on our social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram. At no stage will students names be placed on either platform. Could you please sign the form that was sent via Operoo on Tuesday so we can start posting images of our school in action. Thank you for those who have already completed the permission form. Follow us: @StBrigidsPSMordialloc


@StBrigidsPS Mordialloc
@StBrigidsPS Mordialloc




Thank you to all the parents who walked around Mordialloc and surrounding areas to drop flyers off in letter boxes. We very much appreciate it. We have had quite a few tours this term which is very exciting.  A reminder to our current families, if you have a child starting school next year, can you please get your application forms in as soon as possible.



Tuckshop is open tomorrow for lunch orders.  Don't forget to place your orders by 9:00pm tonight.  Click here for the link to CDFpay


Yours in partnership


Wendy Sullivan
