P&F Association News

The P&F had their first meeting for 2021 on 17th March. This meeting was the AGM. Our previous president, Jodie Cox, decided not to stand again for president, our previous Vice president had left town through 2020. We voted in a new executive; 

  • President – Joanne Ward
  • Vice Presidents- Annie Harris and Michael Ainsworth
  • Secretary- Maree Rogers
  • Treasurer- Kate Adams
  • BBQ and Catering coordinator – Christine Fittler

We thank Jodie Cox for all that she did in what was a particularly difficult time for both the school and P&F. In 2019 she led the P&F to have one of their most successful Fete’s. She also helped in running many other fundraisers. It took a lot of effort and sacrifice from both her personally and from her family. We thank her for all that she did. Thankfully she is staying on the P&F to continue to help out. 


We need you! We are always after new members. Please if you have ever thought about coming along to a meeting then now is the time. We are always open to more suggestions and ideas to help with fundraising for our school. We have 2 meetings a term. The Wednesdays of both week 3 and 7 at 5.30. We realise that it may not be the easiest time for a lot of parents so we will be going via Zoom for those who can’t join us in person. So please Mums and Dads come and join us and help us out. It is never too late or too early to come along whether your child is in Kinder or Year 6 we are happy to have you come and help. Remember more hands make lighter work for us all.


We also need Class Parents. Class parents provide a really important role in our school. They help in making our school a more welcoming, friendly and social school. They also provide assistance to our P&F. Please read through the role of the class parents that was sent out on compass a couple of weeks ago and can also be found on the schools website. If you think that you can help in this role please contact the ladies at the front office.


Save the date! Next meeting is the 5th May 2021. We will put a zoom link out prior to the meeting for those who can’t make it in person to the meeting.