Classroom News - Year 5

Mrs Fittler and  Mr Lester  


In English this week our VCOP focus is Punctuation.  Students are working hard to create their own couplet booklet to conclude our unit of "My Dead Bunny".  Mr Lester and Mrs Fittler are very impressed with the students imaginative and creative draft work and look forward to sharing their edited pieces of work in Term Two.


Students are encouraged to continue practicing their typing skills on Typing Tournament in readiness for their NAPLAN tests in Term Two.


We are well into our Multiplication and Division unit in Mathematics. Please talk with your child about your own experience with Mathematics at school and the importance of knowing your times tables and the connection between multiplication and division. Also, students can continue to complete activities on Study Ladder and Prodigy at home.


Students have been enjoying our History unit "The Australian Colonies".  Students have been looking at the different perspectives from both Indigenous Australians and Colonisation and the students' responses show great maturity and empathy for others.


This week we will conclude Term One with the Stations of the Cross on Thursday.  Students have been working hard and reflecting on the sacrifices that have been made during this special time of the Church year.  Mr Lester and Mrs Fittler would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy, safe and holy Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term Two.


Year 5 were extremely lucky to participate in a netball clinic on Thursday and Friday.  Many thanks to Liv for running this very dynamic and fun filled activity for the students, it was enjoyed by all.


A reminder that Chess Club will start in Term Two. We welcome all year 4, 5 and 6 students who wish to attend. 

Practicing Good Hygiene 

We continue to remind students of good hygiene practice. This includes reminding them to wash their hands with soap and water, coughing into their elbow and using tissues to wipe their nose.