Senior School Report  

The end of Semester 1 has approached and Year 11 VCE students have just completed their Unit 1 exams in their classes for most of their subjects due to the sudden lock down.


The Senior Sub School would like to congratulate every single student for their adaptability during this time.  Our Year 11 and 12 students came back to school where there were a whole lot of restrictions put into place again.


The GAT (General Achievement Test) needed to be rescheduled for all students studying a Unit 3/4 subject this year.  The new date is Thursday 29 July 2021.  The GAT will be held at school and the starting time is 10am.


The dates for the VCAA External Exams have been published on the VCAA website. 

They start on Wednesday 27 October and finish Wednesday 17 November 2021.


At St Albans Secondary College, we also run Mid-year Exams to best prepare our students for their final exams. These will take during the school holidays from Thursday 1 July to Tuesday 6 July. The timetable is available on Compass.


Semester 2 for Year 11 students started Monday 7 June, where we had over 50 students requesting to change a subject. As mentioned in our previous newsletter, we endeavoured to make the changes. Students that have changed a subject will need to get the resources for the subject.


We have rescheduled our Equal ED workshops for our Year 12 VCE students until Term 3 Week 2. This was due to the lockdown.


On Wednesday 23 June, we hosted our special yearly event, the Year 11 assembly to celebrate “100 days of VCE/VCAL success”. This is always an exciting event. Students received awards for their consistent effort and academic achievements.


The following students received an award for Most Consistent Effort.

These students were nominated by their teachers for working consistently and trying their best in their subjects during Semester 1.

The following students received an award for Highest Achievement

These students were nominated by their teachers for the outstanding results in their subjects throughout the semester.

The Year 11 VET Music class performed in front of their peers. This was part of their VET assessment for Music.  Some of the Year 12 VCAL students assisted in provided afternoon tea.


Again, we would like to thank parents who contact us when their child is absent for any reason. This is of great assistance to the Year Level Coordinators, as we call home regularly if there are any unexplained absences. The Case Management process continues to monitor closely the attendance, achievement and individual needs of all our students. Please contact us on 9366 2555 if you have any queries or concerns about your child. 




Stav Bekiaris

Senior Sub School Leader