Grade 4/5/6

What a week it has been! 

The 4/5/6s have had a rather busy and exciting start to the term.


Our leaders have been helping out with school tours, showing the new and potential parents around the grounds. It has been amazing to see them shine and represent our school with such professionalism and care! 


Grade 6 jumpers

The grade 6s have received their jumpers this week and they are all looking rather fashionable! 



We have welcomed Sally into our area for the next 5 weeks. Sally is a student teacher from Melbourne University. She will be working closely with staff and students to develop her skills to become the fantastic teacher we can already see. If you see her around the school please give her a Newlands welcome! 


Interschool Sports

AFL, soccer and netball started this week.

We will need parent volunteers going forward to help us facilitate this. If you can help, please let us know. 

Calling all volunteers for any future games!


Literacy Circles 

In Reading, we have started Literacy Circles. Each group has been provided with a book/e-book for the remainder of the term. It has been great to see students collaborating with their group and becoming Connectors, Summarisers, Word Wizards, Literacy Luminaries and Character Analysers. 

Please encourage your child to read the assigned chapters for the week.