Library News
Scholastic Book Club
Our first catalogues were given out this week. Please note that the final day for online purchases is the 27th May.
It is easy to order. The Book Club LOOP platform for parents allows you to pay by credit card. Your child’s order is submitted directly to school safe and sound and the books will be delivered to class.
You can place your child’s order at or using the LOOP app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
How to pay instructions are included on every catalogue that is sent home. We will not be taking cash for any orders, all orders are online only.
Owning your own books is something special! Each order helps earn free books and teaching materials for our school, however there is never any obligation to order.
Refugee Poster Competition
Congratulations to Cheyenne Kelly Brown from Room 6 who the judges selected to be included in the 2021 SA Refugee Week Youth Poster Exhibition:-
From almost 300 entries, 75 students from 39 schools have been selected to be included in the final Poster Exhibition which will be on display from Wednesday 2 June – Wednesday 30 June in the Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, Hawke Centre, University of SA.
Three Awards (with cash prizes to students and schools) will be announced and presented at the Launch Event to both the school and the artist in each section; Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
Cheyanne is in the running for one of these Awards. All exhibiting students will receive an Exhibition Catalogue and a Certificate of Merit.
We congratulate her and wish her luck.
Britannica Encyclopedia online
Whether you're studying or simply curious, Britannica Library give all ages access to current and updated information. Access anywhere, anytime on any device.
Available free through the Port Adelaide and Enfield Library .
Just go to their website
While you are there look at all the many other services the library can offer.... all free.