Green Team News

War on Waste
The Green Team has always had a focus on sustainability including the effects of rubbish in our environment. With so much of our rubbish going to landfill it has been great to get involved with setting up bins to distribute our many different kinds of waste. We have now implemented bins for co-mingled recyclables, soft plastics, recyclable hard plastics, organic food waste, e- waste and phones/batteries within our school. Dromana College can now wage its own war on OUR waste. Not only are we taking responsibility for our waste, a percentage of the plastic collected (such as bottle caps/milk cartons etc) will be able to be processed on site and reused in Design and Technology subjects.
At our recent school assembly this new process was presented to the school by the Green Team. We encourage all our families in the Dromana College community to bring in bottle caps, and old batteries/phones for our bins which can be found at the front office and at central locations within the school, and to not put these items into landfill. If you have any more questions in regards to this new initiative please contact Jamie Russell-Mudge at the College.
By Bonnie Salt
The Working Bee
During 3rd period on the 26th of July the Green Team undertook a working bee. During that period, we all worked hard around the garden. Jobs included pruning the fruit trees, watering the garden with a mixture of worm juice and water and adding comfrey to the compost. Thanks to all the students who were involved.
By Katie Vervoorst
Lemons, lemons and more lemons! It took a whole remarkable wheelbarrow filled with lemons from the school garden to make jugs of lemonade for the Green Teams lemonade stand.
It was Thursday when the green team set off to the food rooms to squeeze lemons and oranges and create the perfect formula for the perfect lemonade. The green team states that the process was; “Long, it hurt my muscles” -Taulani
The Green Team were thrilled to get so many happy customers and very pleased to give away the lemonade for free to anyone that brought their own cup.
By Bonnie Salt