
Music at Arlington


Every Tuesday morning in the Arlington Hall at 8:30am, we have a rare opportunity for young instrumental students to rehearse in a truly unique setting; where they are able to 'jam with professionals', learning to play music with others, as well as experiment with their own musical 'language' or 'voice' - comparable to how we learn to speak or communicate with others before we learn to read and write. Even if your child cannot read music yet, or hasn't learned a particular instrument from a teacher, these students are able to join in and reap the benefits of making sounds alongside professional musicians and accomplished senior instrumental students. 



There is so much beauty that comes from ensemble playing such as this, however, possibly the best part is the boost in confidence and pride in the sound that is owned by the less-experienced musicians, supported and encouraged by the more-experienced musicians. Apart from that, the young instrumentalist is picking up 'trade tricks', reinforcing what is learned in their weekly classroom music or possibly their instrumental lessons; skills such as problem solving, listening skills, fine motor skills, social skills, teamwork... the list goes on, and on! Jump on board, we would love to see you there!


Every Thursday morning in the Arlington Hall at 8:30am, we sing together! I would love to encourage students to join our junior choir. Our choir evolves every year with suggestions and decision-making, when choosing repertoire and how we present ourselves in performance. Last year, due to the tastes of the group we became more of a Musical Theatre group. This year, the students are keen to have more involvement in choosing songs, choreographing and developing techniques such as staged montages – a great opportunity for every age group to contribute. 


Of course, I am a keen advocate of the benefits of singing in a group. The strong feeling of 'togetherness' and 'camaraderie' that has transpired over the years in our junior choir has shown to improve students' social wellbeing, as well as build confidence in performance skills, articulation and breath control. Our Moonlight Choir is really special, and I am honoured to lead the group each week.


Musicians visit Preshil

Last Monday, a trio of professional musicians visited senior school to perform and workshop ‘jamming together’ with our Years 8 & 9 Music students and a group of 10s & 11s. Liam Brown (bass), Trent Jansz (guitar) and Jake Roxas (drums) shared their excellent talent in performing, and expressed the importance of ‘listening’ as well as having courage to ‘play’ with improvisational skills. 

A group of Peppercorns opted into the opportunity to go to the senior school to receive a free concert, and were able to ask the musicians a range of questions, including a few requests (such as Dancing Queen and Another One Bites The Dust – I might say, the band were very impressed with our song choices!). Our Peppercorn students expressed much joy whilst listening and after the concert, and have since discussed intention of creating their own bands!! Future entertainment for the Winter Solstice, perhaps??!! Stay tuned!


Michelle Berner

Music teacher