The Sunroom - 8s & 9s


Despite the rather warm weather last week, the Sunroomer’s spent some time ‘breaking the ice’ on our first days back.

The Shoe Tower challenge supported the development of new friendships and team work.


The Island by Armer Greder was used as a stimulus to talk about our classroom Essential Agreement. This wonderful book provided us with a springboard for thinking about the who and how of our community.


We considered the concepts of inclusion, acceptance, belonging and responsibility explored in this, making connections to how our Arlington community functions.



Community of Inquiry (Philosophy with Ollie)


We had our first session of Philosophy with Ollie where we looked at the idea of, ‘The Ship of Theseus,’ and whether something remains the same even if all the individual parts are replaced. We explored this idea further by thinking about how our human cells replace themselves.


Toby/Ocean: No, because they’re different pieces; they are not the original.


Griffin/Rupert: No, because if they never replaced the ship it would be completely destroyed. If they used a new ship it would be a new ship!


Carel/Gabrielle: Yes. All they’re doing is putting on parts. It would only change if it’s destroyed at the same time.


Pavlo/Charlie: We think both. It’s still the same people’s ship.


Eric/Eito: No, because it’s not the same planks so it’s not the same boat and they’re not as old.


Jasmine/Ivy: Yes because some of the ship would be the same. Just because it’s changed a bit, doesn’t mean it’s not the same ship.


Eva/Lilla/Emily: Yes. It would still be the same ship because its shape is the same even though it’s not the same wood or tree.


Eloise/Charlotte: Yes, because when they put the first new part on it became a part of the ship and then the next piece became a part of the ship and so on.


As part of our Health and Physical Education Program, the children have also had a Mindfulness session with Emily in the library which will be part of fortnightly sessions this term. We looked at what it means to be present and aware of what’s going on in the current moment.

Michael Price & Sophie Dall'Ava

8s & 9s Classroom teachers
