
Bright lights

We are both proud and excited to have had three of our 2019 IB Visual Arts students selected to exhibit at the annual Victorian and Tasmanian IB World Schools Visual Arts Exhibition (the IB equivalent of Top Arts). Congratulations to Amelie Justin, Elise Sawell and Samantha Wood.


ARTIST: Amelie Justin

TITLE: Wardrobe

SIZE: 100cm x 152cm

MATERIAL: Wire, cable ties, prefabricated coat hangers and clothing rack


Wardrobe focuses on our prioritisation of brands, particularly when it comes to the way we dress; many [people] purchase the brand as opposed to the item. I have taken six of the most popular apparel brands of 2019, including some fast-fashion brands, and moulded the brand names out of wire. From a distance, they resemble an item of clothing, however close up, it reveals to be the brand name hanging on the rack. This highlights our often-meaningless purchases, which fuel a large part of consumer culture.


ARTIST: Elise Sawell


MEDIUM: Acrylic paint and drawing ink on canvas

SIZE: 70cm x 95cm



This work is experimenting with my own sense of vulnerability, the trust and lack of control I give in to, using mediums that drip down my canvas... the exaggeration and effect of the ‘dripping’ is used throughout my work. I have used spray paint to create a drip, ink and watered down acrylic paints.


ARTIST: Samantha Wood

TITLE: Complex Condition

SIZE: 70cm x 95cm

MEDIUM: Acrylic paint, Texta, paint marker, pen, pencil, found objects, paper on canvas nailed onto board


I have ADHD. I have struggled with the pros and cons of this condition my entire life. This piece is a physical expression of how my world has felt over the years. It visually reflects on the blur that has been different medications and different schools, good advice, bad advice, frustration, self-loathing and confusion. I have created this for my own personal reflection and hope, that if represented visually and somewhat coherently, ADHD and other conditions of the mind will be understood, accepted and addressed more often. I have exploded a lifetime of emotion and experience into this piece, for everyone and anyone who has had, is struggling with, or will have difficulty, figuring out the complexity in their head.


The Exhibition will be held at Glen Eira City Council Gallery, Cnr Glen Eira & Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield from Thursday 13 February to Sunday 1 March 2020. Open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm, Saturday & Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. Admission free.

Exhibition Opening Night

Friday 14 February 2020 6pm

For further information, visit their website here