Music Notes

Jamming with Mish Mash

2020 school production

by Karoline Kuti,  Music teacher and Coordinator of Music


This year’s Production is underway! In contrast to previous years, students have chosen a classic - Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The cast has negotiated auditions and already begun learning lines. Preshil’s version of this play is shaping up to be an hilarious musical comedy.


It’s not too late to get involved, so if you or someone you know would like to be part of this year’s Production please contact teachers Karoline, Joan or Chris M. Students have started thinking about set, costume and make-up design but anyone wanting to join this team is very welcome.


We have been calling all musicians to join the band, so if this appeals to you, come along to the Music Room on Tuesdays at 3.30pm.


Show dates are Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 April and Friday 1 May at 7pm at the Renaissance Theatre, High Street, Kew.

Visiting musicians

by Karoline Kuti,  Music teacher and Coordinator of Music


The musical year began on Monday 3 February with a performance and workshop with the dynamic funk trio, Mish Mash. Friends of our own Michelle Berner, the trio gave an enthusiastic performance to a captivated audience.


Following their performance, the trio inspired and guided the Years 8 and 9 music classes in ways to collaborate in order to create original music. Students listened to strategies to help them build the skills to create music together and heard the concepts employed by the trio. Willing students even had the chance to jump up and jam with the trio in front of their peers.


It was a wonderful way to kick off the year and has inspired much music-making.

Welcome picnic

The whole school Family Welcome Picnic is a favourite event on the Preshil calendar. It is a relaxed afternoon of eating delicious food, meeting new people and chatting to old friends while listening to beautiful music; musicians from both Arlington and Blackhall Kalimna have been rehearsing since last term.


Come along and enjoy hearing some of our ensembles and soloists from the (primary) 5s to Year 12. 

Join our senior choir

by Michelle Berner, Music teacher and Voice coach


Calling all human beings - we want YOU for our senior choir! Students, teachers, parents all welcome!


Pavement Choir  rehearses every Wednesday morning at 8am in the Music Room.


“But 8am is too early!” I hear you say. Well, not for those wishing to get the best out of themselves! Imagine how you would feel and what you could achieve by starting your day invigorating your brain, developing your self-confidence and strengthening your interpersonal skills.


There are SO many benefits to singing, and these benefits double when we engage in singing with other people. Singing is aerobic; it improves the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, oxygenating the blood and improving overall alertness. Singing improves neurological functioning by igniting several areas on both sides of the brain, such as those dedicated to musical understanding (such as rhythm, pitch, dynamics), fine motor skills, visual imagery and emotions. Singing is a cathartic activity that allows us to feel better about ourselves, and the world around us, by providing an outlet for our feelings.


In music, and through music, we are developing our individual identities through intra-personal communication. When we sing with others, we are developing interpersonal skills, maximising our ability to communicate and collaborate with others.


By lifting our voices together, we build a feeling of belonging; we develop an enhanced sense of social inclusion, tolerance and acceptance which generates a positive group identity.


Performance in group settings also supports individuals in gaining skills in overcoming anxiety and nervousness, focusing under pressure, social interaction skills, ability to receive praise and celebrate accomplishments.


Our senior choir performs at many of our annual musical events, including the Live Music Is Good For You festival, hosted by the Royal Melbourne Hospital, and our celebrated Preshil community Family Welcome Picnic, which is coming up on Friday 13 March – we would love to see you there!


Overall, being part of a choir can support physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing. Come and join us and find out for yourself.

Welcome cellist Michelle John

I’m thrilled to be joining the teachers at Preshil to share my love of music! I’ve taught cello for over 25 years, from beginner to Year 12, at schools including Geelong Grammar and Sophia Mundi Steiner. I’m currently strings coordinator at Melbourne Girls Grammar. In my performing life, I’ve made more than 30 recordings, including for ABC classics, and have played live for ABC radio and TV, RRR and 3MBS. I’m also passionate about composition and have written for dance group Mixed Company and, with my trio Aajinta, wrote the soundtrack to the award-winning short film Salt.


I’m playing in an orchestra at Hamer Hall this Friday with Karoline and Atilla Kuti, so I already feel at home with my colleagues at Preshil! I’m very much looking forward to meeting more students and am happy to have a cello chat with anyone who’s interested.

Musical tasting plate

This event is being held on Wednesday 26 February from 6pm - 7pm in the Kevin Borland Hall at Arlington. It is the perfect opportunity to meet our wonderful and talented instrumental staff, hear them play and speak about their instrument… and best of all, to try out the instrument for yourself.


This is an invitation for students and parents to come along and discover the joy and fun of playing music.