Electives Term One

Our guest speakers

Once again we are starting off the year with a new line up of Electives for our students in Years 7-10; this term has a slight theme towards language.


As mentioned on our Compass newsfeed, we were very fortunate to hear an informative keynote from our award-winning friends Edwina Kolomanski and Madeleine Grummet, founders and facilitators from FutureAmp at GirledWorld.   If you missed it, this interactive keynote was a great opportunity for the students to hear about the changing workforce, new industries and job opportunities, STEMM (the extra M is for Medicine), identifying skills for the future, discovering the FYA 7 Job Clusters, the importance of mentors (these can also be family and friends) and many many more insights, particularly for those researching and heading off to work experience in the near future.


If students were absent, or needed to leave early, please find below a copy of the Electives program. The form, on the last page, needs to be completed (with three preferences). This was due on Friday 7 February at the office or alternatively emailed directly to bronte.howell@preshil.vic.edu.au. If you have not been able to return the form please do so as soon as possible.


Please note that, in fairness, where there is an over-subscription to a particular Elective, preference will be given to students who have not participated in the Elective previously as we want students to experience a range of activities throughout the year; we encourage them to try something new as they never know what they might discover!

Below are some short previews of the upcoming Electives starting at the new time of 1.45 - 3.15pm Wednesday 19 February.


with Adam Simon

In this Elective students will participate in

a variety of improvisation games to assist

in developing their drama skills.

Songwriting & Music Industry Insights

with Ben Paddick

A practical skills-based course where students have the opportunity to develop songwriting, composition and arrangement techniques. Students will also be given an inside look at the local music industry.

French Language and Culture Extension

with Steve (Yves) Moreau

This Elective will link planets and days of the week, our solar system (the Milky Way) and the infinite galaxies. Learn about the first French-made flying object (the Montgolfier in 1782) and inventions that defied the gravity law; locate the French-speaking countries; explore the history of clothing colours, patterns and French fashion; find out where Easter eggs come from and make and eat French crêpes as part of the French gastronomy, menu and French eating styles.

Chinese 101

with Robin Wang

What is Chinese New Year? Why is this year the Year of the Rat? Do you want to know how delicious dumplings are made?  What is your Chinese name and how do you speak and write your Chinese name? What does the Chinese name for Australia mean? In this Elective you will learn different perspectives of Chinese; one thing for sure, you won’t get bored! If you see yourself in the future as a global citizen, you should

take this exciting journey.

Sensing The Environment - Programming

with Karl von Moller

Students will learn how to graph data via their computer’s serial port, detect button presses, process sensor data from light, temperature, humidity, moisture and magnetism and programme a reaction-based game, all whilst learning the fundamentals of the C programming language through using Arduino. No prior experience necessary.

Clay Animation and Cartoon Workshop

with Brett Cardwell

In this interactive workshop you will learn the basics of cartooning from characters, action, expression, animation, style and design to creating a comic strip, animating in 2D and stop motion animation techniques, culminating in your stop motion short film.

Japanese Language Classes

with Kumi from the Japaneasy Team

Learn Japanese from the Japaneasy team; everything from basic vocabulary, daily routine, describing objects, comparative and superlative, expression, scenario phrases and other things. There will also be some KATAKANA reading and writing.

Model United Nations - (MUN)

with UN Youth Victoria 

UNYouth Australia is the youth partner of the United Nations Association of Australia, a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA). MUN is a great chance to learn about how to engage, listen and discuss globally significant issues. 

Climate Action Dream Team

with Emily Nancarrow

Throughout the term students will apply their interests, knowledge and passion for change to inform a student-led approach to regeneration, sustainability and climate action! Thinking globally, acting locally, we will create goals, implement initiatives and organise events

that promote sustainability and regeneration and endeavor to transform our School into a school that actively tackles climate change.

Kitchen Garden

with Daniel Klotz

The popular Kitchen Garden Elective returns in Term 1 with a new face. Danny has helped with the Spring Dinner each year and brings a wealth of hospitality skills to the program. Not only will you create a shared meal for the group based around a theme but you will learn great kitchen and hospitality skills. This Elective will be largely focused in the kitchen, including jobs such as food prep, cooking and baking.

Lifeology 102 Expression 

with Amir Tatai

Expression in all its forms could be said to be the highest form of humanity. In order to be able to safely express yourself it is important to have a solid understanding of some simple techniques which can provide you with opportunities to feel empowered and ready to express should the want or need arise.


with Shede Olukhale

An ex-international athlete, Shede is a fully-qualified personal trainer and has played for the Kenyan national football team. Students will explore the practical and theoretical aspects of the world game with a focus on formation, passing and ball control skills, positioning and goal scoring. 


with Vida Tennis at MCC Kew

Vida (Spanish word for life) provides coaching for all ages and skill levels in a relaxed and encouraging environment, making it easy for students to enjoy their tennis as they learn the various disciplines of the game. Getting to know each student’s strengths and weaknesses means progress can be made every lesson. Lessons are held at MCC Kew next to the Primary campus.

Students MUST sign in and out at the front office to attend.

Can you offer an Elective?

If you or someone you know would like to offer an Elective, please feel free to email Bronte any time at bronte.howell@preshil.vic.edu.au