I Do - You Do - Wedo In Iso

The return of 'Lego Masters' to our screens has meant that there has been an upsurge in young people creating brick-tastic creations... a great activity to do during a lockdown... and even better when you mix it with Robotics.


Our Grade 3/4 students have been using a Lego Robotics platform - Wedo - as a weekly Enrichment activity since the start of the year. Mr Dickson has been working with Miss Rule's class (with Miss Rule, teaching her skills and showing the ropes), Ms Goldrick now has a dedicated Robotics period (after learning with Mr Dickson last year), and Mr T... well he's Mr T and is already an expert!


But last Tuesday the few Junior School students who are physically attending BHCS had a special treat.  Mr Dickson came in with the Wedo Kit and they had a chance to make their first Wedo builds - a socially distanced glowing snail and a fan to cool you in isolation. As you can tell, they were very excited.


But what about continuing your coding skills at home? You'll see some suggestions pop up in the BHCS Pulse Facebook feed. My two favourites are Tynker and Code.org , currently both are free, kid-friendly and thoroughly engaging for kids of all ages. If you add them into your 'Learning From Home' program, the kids will be transfixed... and you'll get a chance to 'have a coffee in the staff room (aka kitchen)'.