News from the 5/6 Classrooms 

Financial literacy in the classroom

Did you know that students in grades 5 and 6 have thriving economies booming in their classrooms?


Our staff and students explore aspects of financial literacy through the use of an online platform called Banqer.


Please feel free to check out this fantastic financial education resource:


Students have an individual profile in their class economy and can complete tasks and activities related to topics including: everyday and savings accounts, investing in unit trusts, purchasing and insuring transport and options, applying for jobs and receiving a paycheck, superannuation and taxation.


This highly engaging modality provides a real world context to financial education for our students to establish their understanding in this sphere, but don't just take our word for it- here is what the students think:



Using Banqer in the classroom is great is because you get to learn about money management, you can do quizzes and even donate to charities. 

Banqer is good because you learn about money management. It helps you get organised, having to know about your money increasing or decreasing overtime. You can earn money by making term deposits or receiving rent from buying a property, you can loose money from taxes or fines. 

Banqer is fantastic because there are quizzes. They ask you a banking related question and you can get money as a reward. For example, the question could ask about debt, insurance, transport and more. 

Banqer is extraordinary because you can donate towards charities. Your money you give will help real organisations to do great things. The charities you can donate to are; KidsCan, Heart Kids and The Cancer Council. 

Banqer is remarkable and exquisite, it teaches you to be money-wise. Enjoy your banking! By Ramona 5NK



We encourage you to strike up a conversation with your child around this subject, you'll be suprised how motivated and informed they are!


Grade 5/6 Teachers