News from the 3/4 Team...

Welcome to Term 3!

The Year 3/4 students have a very exciting term of engaging learning and wonderful extracurricular activities planned.



Students will be developing their reading comprehension skills by practising the following skills:

  • Synthesising
  • Visualising
  • Inferring

They will also be exploring the language features of both information reports and poetry throughout the term.


Students will be setting for themselves an Expanded Vocabulary goal for their independent reading. This will be one that they can practise at home too. Students will be setting this goal in Week 3 and 4 of the term.



At the beginning of the term, students will be finishing off exploring the structure of information reports by writing about their Australian endangered animal.


Commencing Week 3, we will then transfer our focus to poetry, with students exploring and experimenting the structure of haiku, cinquain, acrostic, palindrome and free verse poems. Students will also be setting a goal to improve the 'Voice' used in their writing to capture their audience's attention.


Students will also have a weekly spelling focus that we encourage families to practise at home too.



Throughout the term, students will expand on their knowledge developed during Semester 1 by exploring the following concepts and skills:

  • Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Measurement (Volume, Mass, Capacity and Temperature)

Our aim is always to engage students with each maths lesson that we teach and to target every individuals point of need. Students will be participating in open-ended activities and targeted mini-groups.



Students have been finishing off the integrated unit 'The Blue Marble' for the first two weeks of this term by completing their Endangered Species Project in class. The Year 3/4 students have loved learning about these animals and identifying how we can support their survival.


Check out some of 3/4Bs Endangered Animal books and creation of their trioramas!


Commencing in Week 3, our focus will move to a unit titled 'Someone Else's Shoes' where we discuss the skills of empathy and resilience. The students will also be learning about some of the challenges people in life face, whether they are disabled, homeless or a refugee, and how we can support them.


Home Learning

A reminder that students are encouraged to complete the following each week for home learning:

  • 2 Essential Assessment My Numeracy tasks - classroom teachers will inform their students which tasks are to be completed for the week that will match-up with learning at school
  • Spelling Practise - students will bring home a copy of their spelling words. These are typically on their iPad
  • Reading - Students should be reading independently each night. We also encourage families to get their children to read out loud at times or for parents to model how to read.

Year 3/4 Camp

The organisation for camp is well underway with permission and medical forms being sent home and payment available on Compass. The students are very excited about our trip to Oasis Camp, Mt Evelyn from Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25th August that will include:

  • All of the wonderful camp activities including the flying fox, candle making, reptile encounter, archery, low ropes course, crate climb and enviro walk
  • A trip on Puffing Billy from Lakeside, Emerald to Belgrave
  • A visit on the first day to the Olinda Playspace for morning tea
  • Exciting night activities including a trivia competition and movie

If you have any questions or concerns about the camp then feel free to contact Cameron Batt (Camp Coordinator - or your child's classroom teacher.


A reminder to please make sure that all forms are back at school by Friday 28th July and that payment is sorted with the office by Wednesday 2nd August.


Extracurricular Activities

Not only do we have camp to look forward to, but there are other exciting events coming up:

  • Whole School Production - Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July
  • Wheel Talk Incursion - Wednesday 9th or Friday 10th August - an engaging and interactive program that promotes diversity, acceptance, and disability, placing a primary focus on inclusion which combines unique stories of lived disability with the opportunity to play up to an hour of  Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Rugby or Wheelchair AFL
  • Year 3/4 Hoop Time Competition - Friday 18th August
  • Colour Run - Friday 1st September
  • District Athletics - Monday 4th September
  • Whole School Expo - Friday 8th September


If you have any questions about this term, please make sure that you contact your child's classroom teacher.



The Year 3/4 Team

Cameron Batt, Ray Owens, Sarah Jacobs, Lisa Trevorrow, Lyndsey Thwaites, Sarah Amiconi, Jane Xie and Philip Wickham