From the 1/2 Classrooms

Robot Buddies

This term the Grade 1/2 students will be learning about the concept of Creativity.


In Integrated Studies students will consider the properties of different materials as they develop their ability to design and build objects creatively. Ultimately students will design and build a robot.


The essential questions that guide this inquiry are:

  • How can I write clear instructions?
  • What are the properties of different materials?
  • How can I design and build new objects?

Last week students were given the opportunity to launch themselves into this inquiry as they designed and created a piece of food from the picture story book 'Possum Magic' by Mem Fox. Our Reading lessons focused on the strategy of questioning to enhance our understanding of the text, and students used this term's learning asset of collaboration to brainstorm questions arising from the front cover of the book, then from the events in the story itself.  During the term students will be given regular opportunities to reflect on their collaborative skills using this template.


They learned where Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Brisbane and Hobart are geographically as they followed Hush and Grandma Poss on their journey round Australia. Each city was linked with an iconic piece of Australian food: lamingtons, steak and salad, Minties and mornay, pumpkin scones, vegemite sandwiches, pavlova and Anzac biscuits.

Further collaboration was required when students were given a range of craft materials to share, as they considered how to create a model of one of the items of food in the book.



The students' creations were magic! Not all succeeded first time and for many, the challenges of trying to create the texture of their food item using materials that were unsuitable was a big learning point. One standout however, admired by all, was Mrs Watson's pavlova. We all wanted to eat it!

Finally, we reflected on the process in our writing sessions, by brainstorming nouns, verbs and adverbs that clearly described the procedure for making each item. Students then individually wrote a procedural text on how to make their product. 


Work will continue in Literacy on this genre of writing, as students use their individual writing goals of an aspect of Word Choice to improve the accuracy and clarity of writing a procedure.


Later in the term, our writing focus will change to Narrative, and students will be able to retain their chosen strategy and continue working on it in a different genre, or to change to another strategy. They will also have the opportunity to attend a performance of Possum Magic at the Frankston Arts Centre, where they will have the opportunity to see how the designers have created costumes, a set, props and lighting to recreate this iconic story. 


We are all looking forward to a creative, collaborative and productive term ahead!

From the 1/2 Team.