

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a wonderful break and ready for an exciting Term 3 in the library!    

The Children's Book Council of Australia 

Book Week 19-25 August 2023 

Get excited everyone! 

This term is jam packed with many exciting events and activities in the library.  


We are planning our special Book Week celebrations with our annual Book Fair, Book Parade and a visit from a very talented children's author and illustrator.  


Parents and children, start making your favourite book costumes!   


Fun and Games @ the Library 

Guess how many books are in the library, find a new book to read from my little lucky book jar and enter the Premiers' Reading Challenge competition!  


Drop your entries with your NAME and CLASS in the boxes at the desk.    


Winners will be announced at the Book Fair!  




Premiers' Reading Challenge | Victorian Government (


Congratulations to all of those students who have completed the Challenge over the term break!  

You will receive a certificate soon.   


The Challenge is still on and closes on 8th September 2023


Once completed, please write your NAME and CLASS on a piece of paper and drop it in the Challenge box at the library desk.  


Good luck, please contact me if you have any queries regarding the Challenge. 

Happy Reading! May Vos-Rutter
Happy Reading! May Vos-Rutter